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Swedish trade: Sancerre, bubbles and chablis are becoming more expensive

Harryhandel in Sweden may not be as cheap as it has been in the past. From the first of September, it will be more expensive to shop at Systembolaget.

On average, the price increase will be closer to 2 percent, but for some drinks the prices can be much higher, writes Dagens industri.

– It is only to be expected that a jug of beer will be a krone more expensive, says press officer Rose-Marie Hertzman at Spendrups Bryggeri.

Assuming that a jug of beer costs around 14 Swedish kroner today, a price increase of one kroner corresponds to more than 7 per cent.

Increased raw material and transport costs

Back in February, brewing giant Heineken announced that the price of beer would be raised due to increased raw material and transport costs. Then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and prices skyrocketed even further.

Carlsberg also announces price increases for its products. They justify the price increase with historic cost increases combined with rising inflation.

– The accelerating cost increases affect all of Carlsberg Sweden’s production and distribution costs. All in all, this means that our prices will be affected, writes the brewery group.

..also for the wine producers

The price of wine can also be increased. In addition to more expensive raw material and transport costs, the increasingly weak Swedish krona causes prices to skyrocket.

– We have been hit hard by the Swedish krona, which has affected prices quite radically, says CEO of Vingruppen, which represents five Swedish wine importers.

– Some prices were raised on 1 March, but many will be raised from 1 September, otherwise I would be surprised, she adds.

Another factor that can affect the price of wine is a poorer grape harvest.

“There has been a shortage of grapes from, for example, Central Europe, which means that Sancerre, Chablis and Champagne are becoming more expensive.”

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