Home » today » Sport » Swedish Embassy in Baghdad Stormed: Violation of Vienna Convention and Koran Burning Connection

Swedish Embassy in Baghdad Stormed: Violation of Vienna Convention and Koran Burning Connection

It was during the night that the information that several hundred people stormed the embassy came, something that Reuters was the first to report on.

The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes in an email to TT that they are informed of the situation and that the staff at the embassy are safe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must have ongoing contact with the persons.

“We condemn all attacks on diplomats and personnel from international organizations. Attacks on embassies and diplomats constitute a serious violation of the Vienna Convention. Iraqi authorities are responsible for protecting the diplomatic missions and diplomatic personnel,” writes the Foreign Ministry’s press service.

The Government of Iraq condemns

The events are condemned by Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the act in which the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was set on fire,” they say in a statement.

It is also stated that one must “carry out an urgent investigation and take the necessary security measures to uncover the circumstances surrounding the incident and identify the perpetrators”.

Koran burning in Stockholm

The information about the storming comes after the Swedish police granted permission for a public gathering where a person intends to burn a Koran outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm on Thursday.

According to Reuters, the violence at the embassy was preceded by supporters of the influential Shia preacher Muqtada al-Sadr calling for protests via a Telegram channel.

It was at the latest on June 29 this year that the embassy was stormed, and staff had to flee the building and get to safety. Muqtada al-Sadr is said to have then also urged his followers to go out and protest against a Koran burning in Stockholm.

The text is updated.


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2023-07-20 00:14:55
#Swedish #embassy #Iraq #stormed

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