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Swedish border: – Police: – Be patient

SVINESUND (Dagbladet): – The queue has already started to pile up a bit. Right now I can well imagine that it takes about an hour to get here.

This is what the section leader in the Eastern police district, Serbest Jahangir, told Dagbladet at 1 pm on Friday afternoon.

Both Norwegian-registered and foreign cars are already on their way through the border control, in the hope of avoiding the worst traffic chaos.

– We expect even longer queues throughout the afternoon, says Jahangir.

One of those who has been on a shopping trip in Sweden on Friday afternoon, is Kjell Olsen. He tells Dagbladet that he spent about two hours on a 600 meter stretch.

– What do you think about the long queues?

– I think it’s a waste. It should not be necessary to wait so long when using the QR code. This could have been done in a much more efficient way, Olsen tells Dagbladet.

QUEUE: If you plan to enter Norway via Svinesund, you must expect long queues. Photo: Bjørge Dahle Johansen / Dagbladet
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It has been a week since Norway opened for quarantine-free travel from Sweden to Norway. Nevertheless, all travelers have to test themselves, as well as show a valid corona passport. Travelers must also have registered on the website entrynorway.no.

This has occasionally led to extremely long queues, as several of the travelers have not had the documents in order and according to the section leader are not quite in order yet.

– There are still some who are struggling. Someone has taken a screenshot of the documentation, but it is not good enough. You must be able to log in, Jahangir explains.

– Can stand for a long time

The section leader did not want to answer what he thinks about what the Home Guard may contribute, as well as the last reopening step to the government, which was presented the same afternoon.

– I will not answer that yet, as it is not something that has been decided yet. We are here just to do our job, but we will continue to make the same call as the government, that those who do not have to carry out a strictly necessary journey take the trip across the border.

When can you get vaccinated?

The pace of vaccination is different around the country. Check your municipality’s website for updated status. No data in the test is sent to Dagbladet.– —

– What do you want to say to those who still choose to travel?

– If you take the trip, be patient. You can stay in line for a long time. In addition, it is important that you bring what you need for login and entry documentation.

– Everyday life comes back

The duty officer in the Customs, Carina Fremstad, is not surprised by the increasing traffic in the last week.

– This was something we envisioned. The traffic has been increasing and our task is, as usual, to control passenger traffic and goods traffic, she says.

Fremstad further says that she and her colleagues appreciate the increasing traffic.

– We like that everyday life comes back a little more.

– Have you experienced an increase in the number of seizures in the last week?

– No, it’s evenly the same.

– How do you experience the cooperation with the police?

– We can not complain, it is a good tone. At the same time, they are the ones who take care of the corona problem. We stay away from it.

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