Home » today » Technology » Sweden’s Groundbreaking Research on Heavy Electric Vehicle Battery Regeneration: A Feasibility Study for Innovative Charging Solutions

Sweden’s Groundbreaking Research on Heavy Electric Vehicle Battery Regeneration: A Feasibility Study for Innovative Charging Solutions

In a new research project, VTI together with Linköping University and a group of experts will investigate whether a battery system for heavy electric vehicles can be implemented in Sweden. And if it is possible, how it can be done. The technology is already used on a large scale in China, but in Sweden, many people still do not know what battery regeneration is.

Compared to charging electric vehicles with a cable, a battery charging system has several advantages. It is based on available technology, could be more easily expanded and enables individual life cycles for individual batteries and vehicles. The actual change to a full battery is also fast, in a few minutes, compared to the charge of a permanently mounted battery cable.

The big challenge that a completely new business system is needed where established actors and new actors collaborate in new ways to create shared values. The technology is there, but the business model is missing, just put.

The new project “Feasibility study for scale-up of battery regeneration systems for heavy vehicles” will examine this in detail – in addition to the technical conditions, what are the business conditions for battery regeneration systems in Sweden and what required to be commercially profitable?

A concrete man the question is, for example, how the ownership of batteries and battery exchange stations might look like if the battery and the vehicles are separated and do not necessarily have the same owner.

You should too evaluate the pros and cons of battery replacement versus other options, especially cable charging.
– As a technology, there is not much focus on battery regeneration in Sweden, says Svetla Käck, project manager and senior researcher at VTI.

Additional features of the future battery exchange system to be studied related to the mapping of actors, qualifications and regulations, standards, as well as any impact on gender equality in the industry.

Parallel to that In addition to the new research project, there is an application to soon build a battery exchange demonstrator with three battery stations, one in Norrköping, one in Linköping and one in Stockholm. The Logistikia network is made up of companies in the logistics industry involved in that application. These companies will also be respondents in VTI and LiU research projects.

The research project “Feasibility study for scale-up of battery exchange systems for heavy vehicles” is for one year and is financed with five million kroner by the Energy Agency.

In our editorial office thoughts about changing the battery go back in time. The time when we had horse-drawn transport in the form of, for example, stagecoaches. The horses could only last a certain distance and then they had to be “recharged”. The stagecoach did not have to wait for this, but drove on with fresh horses which were loaded and ready.

2024-08-07 13:58:34
#project #investigating #batteries #heavy #vehicles

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