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Sweden Tightens Alcohol Recommendations, Sets Limit for Risky Use

CLOSE THE SLUGS: Sweden has tightened the advice on how much alcohol one should drink without it being classified as risky use. Photo: Hanna Johre / NTB

Four small strong beers at a time per month is the limit for what Swedes should drink before they need health care, according to new Swedish recommendations.


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The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden has published new alcohol recommendations that reduce the recommended intake for Swedish men. The recommendations state that Swedes who drink ten units of alcohol or more a week, or those who drink at least four units or more per occasion once a month, should be offered health care. Each unit is equivalent to a small glass of strong beer or wine. For women there is no change in the new recommendations, but for men this represents a reduction of five units a week and one unit per occasion. Research has shown that men have a greater risk than previously thought to get alcohol-related injuries, including an increased risk of cancer. The new recommendations are part of new national guidelines for a healthy lifestyle and should serve as a guideline in the healthcare system. In the new Nordic Dietary Guidelines published in June 2023, it is recommended to avoid alcohol for the health part. Show more

On Tuesday, the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden presented new alcohol recommendations for the Swedish population. In the new advice, they tighten up the recommended intake of sweet bro.

According to the National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedes who drink ten units of alcohol or more a week, or those who drink at least four units or more per occasion once a month, should be offered help from the healthcare system.

One unit corresponds to a small glass of strong beer or a small glass of wine. For women there is no change, but for men it means a reduction of five units a week and one unit per occasion.

If you drink more than that, it is classified as risky use in Sweden, according to the recommendations.

Different for men and women

The reason for the tightening of the advice for men is that research shows that they have a greater risk than previously thought of getting alcohol-related injuries, according to Thomas Lindén, head of department at the Swedish Health Authority.

– It shows that in addition to the risk of addiction and damage to the brain and liver, there is also an increased risk of cancer which is better mapped now than it has been in the past, he says to The Express.

The recommendation applies to both men and women, but for women it does not constitute a change in relation to previous recommendations.

According to Lindén, the reason why the limits for risky use of alcohol were higher for men than for women in the previous recommendations is that women have a higher concentration of alcohol in their blood than men with the same consumption.

Recommend support calls

The recommendation is part of new national guidelines for healthy lifestyles, and the National Board of Health and Welfare believes that the advice should serve as guidance within the healthcare system.

– We turn to the healthcare system so that they are guided in which alcohol consumption it is reasonable to offer support for, for example with help calls or something else, says Lindén.

– But private individuals should assess their overall risk for various factors, of which alcohol is a part.

I of Nordic dietary advice which was published in June 2023, it is recommended to avoid and drink alcohol for the sake of health. The Norwegian Directorate of Health recommends that women should not exceed 10g of alcohol per day, while men should stay below 20g.

A standard unit contains approx. 12 grams of alcohol.


Published: 12.09.23 at 11:15

Updated: 12.09.23 at 11:36 a.m

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2023-09-12 09:15:02
#Sweden #shock #advice #maximum #beers #evening

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