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Sweden, The Nordic Resistance Movement | 25-year-old arrested in Sweden – planned the same type of bomb as Breivik

According to Aftonbladet, a Swedish man with connections to the neo-Nazi organization “The Nordic Resistance Movement” (DNM) has planned to make a bomb with artificial fertilizer.

Without him even being aware of it, the man was monitored by Swedish police for a long time while he was planning a terrorist attack.

According to Aftonbladet the man has since August 2020 stolen fertilizer from a farmer in Falköping. The bomb that went off in the government quarter on July 22, 2011 contained 950 kilos of artificial fertilizer.

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– The farmer should not have discovered that bags of artificial fertilizer disappeared before the 25-year-old was arrested and the farmer was notified by Säpo, writes Aftonbladet.

Suspect bomb

Säpo’s theory is that the fertilizer should be used to make a bomb, similar to the one that went off in the government quarter in 2011.

The prosecuting authority in Sweden will not comment on the information to Aftonbladet, but confirms that the 25-year-old is suspected of having planned to make a bomb.

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During the search, several objects and substances were found that could be used together to make one or more bombs, prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Hanström told Aftonbladet.

The man was arrested at 02.14 on the night of November 4, but Hanström does not want to say anything about why he was arrested just then.

– There was a reason why we arrested him right then, but unfortunately I can not go into it further. The security police and the police must both prevent and avert crime, and then we felt that we had to do something and we did, Hanström tells Aftonbladet.

After the arrest, large forces from Säpo have worked at the address of the 25-year-old, and they have made large seizures. Witnesses tell Aftonbladet that the police have been working at the address for at least three days.

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Found firearms

Among the seizures the police made was also a firearm, according to court documents, the man must have had the weapon since December 2020. The 25-year-old has twice applied for a firearms permit, but both applications have been rejected due to his affiliation with the neo-Nazi organization DNM.

People who know the 25-year-old tell Aftonbladet that he was a person who stayed at home as much as possible and that no one reacted to anything special with him.

– Everyone is shocked, says an anonymous person to Aftonbladet.

The 25-year-old has previously been convicted of assault. In February 2017, he participated in a demonstration with DNM in Gothenburg, where he distributed leaflets, among other things. There he was spit on by a female counter-protester who he beat down.

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Thomas Ört is a defender for the 25-year-old, he does not want to say anything to Aftonbladet. According to Aftonbladet, the 25-year-old has undergone a minor psychological examination which shows that the man may be seriously mentally ill.

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