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Sweden, Ibrahimovic accused of killing a lion in 2011

Ibrahimovic, AC Milan striker, is accused in Sweden of killing a lion in South Africa during a hunt in 2011, despite being an endangered species. The controversy was also resumed in England

Many times Zlatan Ibrahimovic, striker of the Milan, he called himself a lion. Yet, the accusations that arrive are not exactly in line: the Swede born in 1981 is in fact accused of having shot a lion in South Africa in 2011 and of having then imported the jaw, skull and skin as a trophy to Sweden. A situation that, of course, has exposed Ibrahimovic to various criticisms in his own country. It seems, as reported by Expressen, that Ibra had obtained a hunting license and that, less than a year later, he shot a male specimen, killing it.

Lions have been officially classified as “vulnerable” on the threatened species list. However, lion hunting in South Africa is legal, as long as the correct permits have been granted. According to the Swedish media, 82 Swedish hunters have tried to take home a trophy, including Ibrahimovic, who succeeded. It appears that the lion Ibra shot spent more than a year in an enclosure before being released. After that, elements of its carcass were shipped to Malmo. The Swedish newspaper contacted Ibra for comment but received no response.

Ibra has repeatedly used lions as a symbol and also has a huge tattoo behind his back with a roaring lion. Those who hunt are said to choose top-notch animals, such as a lion, when heading for safaris. There are several organizations in South Africa that provide the experience for those who can afford it and come from abroad.

Hunting “in a box”, ie with an animal placed in a closed area and with no possibility of escape, is prohibited in South Africa, but captive-bred lions are allowed. A report from the International Fund for Animal Welfare states that between 2004 and 2014, 1.7 million animals were killed for trophy. in the meantime Ibrahimovic is ready to sign the next renewal with Milan: that’s when >>>

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