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Sweating a race: everything about muggy weather

Fri 06/17/2022 | 3:00 p.m
– Daniela Kreck


Finally summer! But that also includes a lot of sweating and drinking. Why is it often so humid in summer and how does this weather condition arise? You can find out in the wetter.com podcast.

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  • Min 00:00 – 01:34: Intro and Welcome
  • Min 01:34 – 03:55 All about muggy
  • Min 03:55 – 08:55 Humidity and the weather
  • Min 08:55 – 11:25 Measuring and defining mugginess
  • Min 11:25 – 17:54: Effects on the body
  • Min 17:54 – End: Climate change

muggy in summer

Summer 2022 is here and with full force. In addition to bright sunshine and hot temperatures, very muggy air can also spread. Everyone knows the oppressive atmosphere that leads to sweating and heavy breathing.

But where does the mugginess actually come from and how does it arise? In the new wetter.com podcast episode, editor Daniela Kreck and meteorologist Georg Haas talk about what this weather situation is all about.

Why is it sometimes muggy in summer and sometimes not? How can muggy air be measured and predicted? In addition, the two also talk about how to behave properly when muggy.

wetter.com Podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, YouTube and Co

The wetter.com podcast appears weekly every Friday on Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, YouTube and many other podcast platforms. Subscribe now so you won’t miss any more episodes!

In our wetter.com podcast, our editors Daniela Kreck and Johanna Lindner talk to experts about various topics in the areas of weather, climate and Co. Whether climate change, weather phenomena or current events – with the wetter.com podcast you will receive interesting background knowledge for your everyday life. You can find all episodes here: wetter.com Podcast: Exciting information about weather and climate

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