Canton of Uri
SVP speaks out against energy regulation and in favor of the tax law
At the meeting, the cantonal party also discussed the topic of riding schools in Bern.
The SVP Uri party meeting was dedicated to voting on Sunday September 22, 2024, on which, as is known, two federal proposals and two cantonal proposals will be voted on.
Party president Claudia Brunner welcomed the members to the party meeting.
The Uri Power Ordinance, against which the referendum was held and will be submitted to the people of Uri for a vote, was presented to the assembly by the head of the parliamentary group Alois Arnold. The main point that led to this referendum was the question of the construction area from which solar systems must be installed on roofs. In the voting proposal, solar systems with a construction area of 100 square meters or more are required. During the discussion in the district administrator of Uri, there was a proposal on this very article to change the mandatory construction area to 300 square meters. The SVP parliamentary group unanimously supported this motion. The meeting voted unanimously against energy management.
District Administrator Walter Baumann presented the partial revision of the tax law. Many changes to the template are only changes to federal law. District Administrator Baumann explained two points of the proposal in more detail. On the one hand, the maximum amount for the childcare allowance, which is now set annually at 25,000 francs per child who has not yet reached the age of 14, is, on the other hand, the maximum amount for the travel expenses deduction, which is now set at a maximum of 13,000 francs. A clear majority of the Senate agreed to the proposed partial review of the tax law.
The biodiversity initiative was unanimously rejected by those present. This contrasts with the reform of occupational pension schemes (BVG). In this complex proposal, there was a clear majority in favor of the reform.
Those present also discussed the subject of the Bern riding school. The assembly believes that visiting the Federal Palace and Uri parliamentarians is part of political education. But what the riding school is doing in this program raises questions. (mk)
2024-09-02 22:09:23
#SVP #Uri #speaks #energy #regulation #favor #tax #law