Home » today » News » SVP Switzerland – When do you have time, Federal Councillor Jans? – The board of the SVP Switzerland invites asylum director Beat Jans to an exchange

SVP Switzerland – When do you have time, Federal Councillor Jans? – The board of the SVP Switzerland invites asylum director Beat Jans to an exchange

At the meeting of the board of the SVP Switzerland in Brig (VS), Pascal Schmid, Thurgau National Councillor and responsible for asylum policy, took stock of asylum policy. Conclusion is worrying“The number of asylum seekers is increasing, costs are exploding and crime is getting completely out of control,” said Schmid.

Every year, tens of thousands of asylum seekers come to Switzerland and usually stay here – even though they are often not refugees. They have also travelled through numerous safe third countries before applying for asylum in Switzerland. In addition, a negative asylum decision does not automatically mean that the person leaves Switzerland. Even rejected asylum seekers usually stay here – as temporarily admitted persons.

In 2023, the federal government alone 3.5 billion francs for the asylum sector. Overall, it is likely to be at least 10 billion francs annually if you add the costs for cantons and municipalities, education, health, and criminal prosecution and the penal system, says Schmid. “Nobody knows how high the total costs of asylum policy are – Berne obviously has no interest in creating transparency here.» The SVP group has therefore submitted a corresponding motion.

The board of the Swiss SVP is deeply concerned about the extent of the asylum chaos and would like more first-hand information. The party board has therefore unanimously decided to invite asylum director Beat Jans to an exchange.

NO to the Biodiversity Initiative – YES to the BVG reform

The party executive recommends to the delegates of the SVP Switzerland unanimously voted against the popular initiative «For the future of our nature and landscape (Biodiversity Initiative)»The initiative aims to transform 30 percent of our country’s surface area into a nature reserve. “An area the size of the cantons of Bern, Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Solothurn would fall victim to this extreme initiative,” says National Councilor and farmer Martin Haab (ZH). “This would massively restrict domestic food production and electricity production and make construction even more expensive.”

For the second voting proposal on “Amendment to the Federal Act on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pensions (BVG) (Occupational Pension Reform)” The party executive recommends to the delegates by 47 votes to 3 with 1 abstention the JA-Passwords.

“This proposal is a well-balanced compromise,” said National Councillor Andreas Glarner (AG). The sharp increase in life expectancy makes a reform of the BVG necessary. “The left is attacking our proven three-pillar model because they want to nationalise the BVG,” said Glarner. In the referendum campaign, they are using false figures and suggesting that employees in retail or industry, for example, will have to pay more and will receive less pension in the future. This is demonstrably false, said Glarner. “The truth is that the balance remains the same for the entire population. In addition, the BVG reform will provide better protection for part-time workers and low-income earners in particular.”

Following the meeting, the party executive and the elected representatives as well as Federal Councillor Albert Rösti met with the local population in the heart of Brig’s old town for an informal exchange at an SVP bi de Lüt.

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