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Sverre Lunde Pedersen operated on the neck

Skating star Sverre Lunde Pedersen has undergone a successful operation on his neck after the bicycle overturn last week.

Sverre Lunde Pedersen has undergone a successful operation after the bicycle overturned. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB

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This is stated by the Norwegian Skating Federation in a press release on Tuesday.

It states that closer examinations of Lunde Pedersen showed a small slip between two cervical vertebrae that the surgeons chose to operate to stabilize.

The operation was performed on Sunday.

“This ensures a stable neck and significantly shortens the time he needs to wear a neck collar. The surgeon confirms that it was a successful operation “, writes the association.

Out of the intensive care unit

The skating star has now been transferred from the intensive care unit to the regular ward.

“He has barely tried to get out of bed, but is still affected by the situation,” the association writes.

The other injuries that have been treated are stable.

The 28-year-old was operated on Friday night for two minor fractures in his left hand and a fracture in his right forearm. He also has a minor fracture of the cheekbone, but that injury requires no surgery.

In addition, Lunde Pedersen has a tear in the liver. He has been at Ullevål hospital since before the weekend.

The bike broke

According to the skating association, it is so far unknown when Lunde Pedersen can be back in training.

“With such extensive injuries, it will take a while before Sverre is back to normal, and he will need a longer period of training and calm. He will remain in the hospital until further notice “, it is stated in Tuesday’s statement.

The association also tells more about the course of events when Lunde Pedersen crashed on a bicycle last week. The skating profile was on a training trip with national team mates at Nesvatn in Fyresdal in Telemark when he hit a hole in the road, lost control of the bike and drove into a stone clock.

The teammates estimate the speed to have been around 45 km / h when the accident happened. Lunde Pedersen’s bike broke in several places in the crash.

The teammates called for immediate help, and the air ambulance was quickly in place.


Published: May 18, 2021 13:01

Updated: May 18, 2021 13:15

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