Home » today » News » SV will increase taxes by NOK 20 billion – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

SV will increase taxes by NOK 20 billion – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I look forward to starting negotiations. I am prepared for tough roofs and long days, but it will be nice to get started, says SV’s fiscal policy spokesperson Kari Elisabeth Kaski.

She will lead the negotiations with the governing parties on the budget.

On Monday at 11 am, SV will present its alternative budget. Three hours later, negotiations begin with the government.

The Støre government presented its budget on 8 November. Here they proposed to increase taxes by NOK 4.8 billion compared with the budget proposal from the Solberg government.

There is a considerable distance to what SV will demand in the negotiations.

SV wants a sharp tax increase and more environmental focus than the government proposes.

Labor went to the polls with a tax guarantee. The party promised that the overall level of taxes and income tax will be at rest at the 2020 level for the next four years.

The government is dependent on support from SV to get through the budget in the Storting.

Also read: SV demands SFO billion

More expensive for the richest

SV proposes to increase both income tax, wealth tax and dividend tax. The party wants people with the largest fortunes and share income to contribute more to the community.

The party will increase the wealth tax by 14.7 billion, the income tax by 7.3 billion. At the same time, they are introducing a green people bonus of NOK 3.6 billion that will go to people who earn less than NOK 500,000. The money from here is taken from the CO2 tax.

– The important thing for us is that the tax system will both finance more welfare and become more redistributive so that those who have the highest fortunes and incomes pay more, while most people make a profit. At the same time, it is important to contribute to the green shift and reduce greenhouse gases, says Kaski.

DISTANCE: There is a difference of 16 billion in tax between the budget proposal of Jonas Gahr Støre and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum with SV’s alternative budget

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / Stian Lysberg Solum

  • Those who earn less than 600,000 will receive tax cuts with SV’s policy.
  • Those who earn more will on average receive increased taxes. Those who earn over a million will receive a significant tax increase.
  • The government, for its part, proposed that the tax increase would first come for those who earn more than 700,000 kroner.

Taxes according to ability

SV wants to increase the rate on wealth tax more than the government proposes (0.95 per cent) and wants it to increase to 1.1 per cent. In addition, they will introduce an additional rate of 0.2 percent tax on assets over 20 million.

– We want to ensure that those with the largest fortunes and share income contribute more to the community, says Kaski.

– Through a fairer tax system, with increased taxes on wealth, inheritance and property, and reduced taxes for most people, the richest will contribute far more to the community, while most people will benefit. With SV’s tax policy, all taxes will be according to ability and the differences in Norway will be evened out, says Kaski.

Also read: This means the adjusted budget for you

Tough negotiations

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party) tells NRK that he is prepared for tough negotiations.

– I understand well that SV wants a breakthrough in the negotiations for the things they are concerned about. These are parties that want society in the same direction, we will take society in a more redistributive direction, says Jonas Gahr Støre.

The government is dependent on support from SV to get a majority in the Storting for the budget. The finance committee’s leader Eigil Knutsen (Labor Party) and Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Social Democrats) participate for the government parties in the negotiations while Kari Elisabeth Kaski represents SV.

Kaski emphasizes that SV goes to the negotiations with ambitions to get through for its tax scheme.

– It can be long days, but I think we will reach the finish line. I am absolutely certain that the Labor Party and the Center Party want a majority for their budget. Therefore, they will be ready to negotiate. SV also wants that. The most important thing for us in SV is to reduce the economic differences between people and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, says Kaski.

Støre is also positive ahead of the negotiations.

– We are completely ready to sit down with SV, take the time needed and ensure that the budget gets a majority in the Storting, says Jonas Gahr Støre.

– We have explained to the people that we can not do everything at once after two or three weeks after 8 years, he says.

Do you think it will be a budget agreement with SV?

– Yes I believe.

Also read: Wealth tax up, fuel tax increases

Also read: This is how Vedum pays for the party

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