– Announcing your resignation as party leader is a bit like dying, but waking up again. You get to read your own obituaries.
This is how Lysbakken started his farewell speech at SV’s national meeting. He was met with standing ovation, cheers and stomping when he went on stage.
Lysbakken says there are many analyzes about how they have managed to restore SV. He himself believes that an important reason is that SV has put a different Norway on the agenda more than anyone else.
– The most important reason why inequality has increased is that the richest are leaving. The most brutal consequence is that people live in poverty in a rich country.
Lysbakken has led SV since 2012. The national meeting of SV at Gardermoen this weekend is over. Lysbakken resigns from the podium.
Audun Lysbakken celebrates being elected SV leader in 2012.
Photo: Anette Karlsen / NTB
Kirsti Bergstø will be elected as the new leader on Saturday. More tension is linked to the election of the deputy leader. It is between Marian Hussein and Lars Haltbrekken.
At the national meeting, SV will probably also advocate scrapping its 50-year-old NATO position that Norway should opt out of the defense alliance.
– Sending good thoughts to Trygve
The Center Party also has a national meeting this weekend. From the podium earlier today, leader Trygve Slagsvold told Vedum that he has MS.
– I was on a round trip in Vestland, and on the way to Flesland the phone rang. The doctor had bad news and said: “We think you’re really sick. We think you have MS,” said Vedum.
The Norwegian healthcare system has been personally decisive for Vedum in recent years, he says.
– Alone I was completely helpless, but because of that community I was able to get through.
Shortly afterwards, Lysbakken sent a greeting to Vedum.
– It was powerful to hear Trygve talk about the disease, but also good to hear how he has been cared for by the health care system. I very much agree with him in emphasizing how valuable the community and the welfare state are when illness strikes, and send good thoughts to Trygve.
Latest news from the national meeting here: