Senior actress Suti Karno or who is familiarly known as Atun recently underwent an amputation operation on one of her legs.
Suti Karno said this was due to the diabetes she had suffered from for the past 18 years.
As for the leg amputation, Suti Karno admitted that it was indeed her request. Because at that moment his leg was injured and never healed.
Suti Karno felt that the wound was getting bigger and bigger and needed to be amputated.
“Those who have asked for my amputation have enlarged their wounds,” Suti Karno recently told Trans TV’s Rumpi show.
“I said just cut it like that. Yeah, I really don’t love myself,” she explained again.
The diabetes that Suti Karno is currently experiencing is due to the fact that since she was a child she often consumed sweet and carbonated drinks.
Suti Karno rarely even drank mineral water.
When she was thirsty during the filming of soap Si Doel Anak Betawi, Suti Karno often asked to buy some sweet iced tea.
“Diabetes is already 18. It’s my fault. I rarely drink water. I always drink sweet soda,” she explained.
“I’m 56 years old, during that time I always have to drink sweets. The shooting is particularly hot, it’s not hot, I drink sweet iced tea,” she continued.
Now Suti Karno was no longer able to carry out his activities normally because he has to sit in a wheelchair.
Even so, Suti Karno explained that she must be responsible for her past life. Also, he felt grateful that he was still given life until now.
“Yes, I haven’t been able to do my normal activities yet, the important thing is enthusiasm and God still gives me opportunities,” said Suti Karno.
Watch a video “Mpok Atun ‘Si Doel is a Schoolboy’ opens a food stall in BSD“
[Gambas:Video 20detik]