Home » today » News » Suspension of Copper Gas Tax Begins for New York Drivers | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Suspension of Copper Gas Tax Begins for New York Drivers | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

clear road.we continue with wings.rafael: attention becausewe have good news forof the cost of gasolinesuspend tax forfuel looking to appeaseinflation. we spent with isabelperaltahill who is livefrom a stationfuel in manhattan,Good morning, it’s starting, untilwhen the concession you seekrelieve pocketsdrivers?isabel: start today firstJune and it’s until the end of the year,on December 31 whennew york is being given todrivers a reductionfor the gaon of gasoline inthis tax of $0.16 this iscounties that have this optionpart of the law that each countycan also reduce thelocal tax, i.e.for example this meansan additional 8/100 to bethey will subtract from the price of the gaonalso applies towestchester, according to thetriple the national averagefive hours ago and until this 1May was another olares with$0.62 and from that new york $4.92and in new jersey 4.75,taking the $0.16 from the gaonhere in new york or they were aanother olares with 76 howeverwe in this shellwe were investigating and hereit’s still in about fivedollars with the 5/100.we talk with acustomer who showed us hisreceipt, at least in thereceipt does not show it but there isto be pending.>> if you feel a littleeight cylinders thenoccupies to work but if there isany difference between the$0.16 I imagine it will bebetter for us if we havebig cars, if I go down a littleone will feel less weight.isabel: connecticut already hasthis initiative of the $0.16minus the tax for thegaon of gasoline and in newjersey although they have made severalinitiatives like some 75month of May to make a

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