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Suspension of classes extends until April 30 – Noticieros Televisa

The secretary of Public education, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, confirmed that by the coronavirus, the class suspension will be extended until April 30.

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Through his Twitter account, Moctezuma Barragán pointed out

The General Health Council agreed to a health emergency for # COVID19 and suspension of activities, until April 30. The educational sector, in favor of everyone’s health, abides by that determination, extending the preventive isolation of the # School Recess to April 30 ”.

This Monday, the General Health Council declared a national emergency in Mexico and extended the suspension of non-essential activities until April 30 due to the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19.

Until the cut of this March 30, there are a thousand 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mexico and 2 thousand 752 suspected cases and 28 deaths.

In addition, the immediate suspension, from March 30 to April 30, 2020, non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors in order to mitigate the spread and transmission of viruses.

The Emergency Declaration agreement was announced by the Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard.

Given the situation of the epidemic of Covid-19 virus disease in the country, various measures have been issued by the Federal Government, including those contained in the agreement by which this Council recognized this disease as serious, attention priority, as well as the decree declaring extraordinary actions in the affected regions of the entire national territory that the Secretary of Health in recent hours has indicated that the number of cases has been increasing.

Therefore, it has recommended that the inhabitants of the country remain at home, to contain the disease caused by COVID-19, with the aim of protecting the health of Mexicans, and it was agreed to issue the following agreement declaring a Health Emergency. due to force majeure to the disease caused by the SARS Covid-19 virus, “he explained.

In addition, there will be administrative penalties for companies that do not comply with the provisions of this agreement.

The General Health Council is a health authority and its general provisions are mandatory for the country’s administrative authorities.

Workers in Mexico are protected

The chancellor also reiterated that With these measures, workers in Mexico are protected.

They cannot be deprived of their wages this month. What would happen to whoever opposes it or there will be or say what matters to me, well there will be administrative penalties, a fine or closure, or even if it is shown that because you did that and someone got infected you can have criminal responsibilities ” concluded

It was reported that as of March 13, an acceleration in the transmission of the virus began in the country, so it was decided to declare a health emergency to contain the transmission when Phase III is reached.

With information from Televisa News


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