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Suspended NYPD officer caught beating a student in Staten Island | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

What if you know something about it?cases, do not hesitate to calltelephone 188857 clue.in serious troubleof the nypd, after being capturedvideo hitting one of thefeeling like a staten island studentinvolved in a uta nightclubConsider the possible penaltiesthat could have dealt with theuniformgary: these are the actionslow in the spotlight, when you go back topunches a minor forthe neck, shoulder and head,get into a fightheld with another student aleave a school inStaten Island.voluntarily, differentthe students approachedoffer the ideas thatthey recorded, to tell us about their fearif it happens to them and whatwho were witnesses.>> the police were beatingthe girl.More people entered theFight.>> anything can happen.gary: it happened at 2:40 amafternoon of this Tuesday. Eastfather directly questionedsergeant in charge in the samescene.>> because they are the agentshit the girl?It’s registered and he answeredok but does it look good to you?when they shouldsettle the dispute.gary: the nypd claims that one ofthe minors resisted thearrest in use charges againstshe.They say they have seen several fightsIn the area.>> not all cops arebad, but there are some that arevery abruptgary: what sancón thinksshould impose e?>> if they put it off for a while,because if he is a family manthey have to earn money.he should ask for forgivenessalso girl.gary: the mayor says it wasthe action taken byDepartment.>mayor: I’m not happywhat i saw in the video, i had itwith the commissioner, he hadsuspended people and everythingis under Hutu investigationinternal the performance of thispeople need to clarify.gary: we contacted aretired NYPD lieutenant.what penalties could theyconfront a police officeracted like this?>> the first action for thecommissioner is to suspend thepolice for 30 days.internal, the first thing they will doto do is so much ideal themcan collect fromthe officers’ camera goesto say a lot about what happened.gary: the police, not the NYPDhe revealed it.

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