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Suspended for unwillingness to get vaccinated will not be paid sick leave

Detached Ukrainians will not be paid sick leave

The Social Insurance Fund explained that hospital payments are needed to compensate for lost earnings due to illness. In the event of dismissal, earnings are not paid, therefore there is nothing to compensate.

Ukrainians who were temporarily suspended from work due to refusal to vaccinate will not be paid sick leave, which falls on the days of suspension. About this on Friday, November 5, reported press service of the Social Insurance Fund.

“Please note that the suspension of workers for whom vaccinations against COVID-19 are compulsory, but who refused vaccination, designed to protect their colleagues, visitors, pupils, pupils, students and others from the risk of infection and further spread of the SARS-CoV coronavirus- 2. Refusal of vaccinations in the absence of absolute contraindications endangers others, “the message says.

It is noted that benefits for temporary disability in this case are not funded, since in accordance with the legislation on compulsory state social insurance, they are designed to compensate the insured person’s earnings lost during treatment. In the event of suspension from work with the termination of the payment of the employee’s wages, there is no fact of loss of earnings due to illness or injury during such a period.

It was previously reported that unvaccinated Ukrainians will begin to remove from work from November 8.

Mandatory vaccination: list of professions announced

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