Home » today » Entertainment » Suspect of robbery on Gordon’s house will be detained for at least two more weeks | NOW

Suspect of robbery on Gordon’s house will be detained for at least two more weeks | NOW

The 23-year-old man who was arrested on Thursday for the robbery of Gordon’s house, is still in prison for two weeks. A spokesperson for the Amsterdam court said this to NU.nl on Friday after reporting RTL Boulevard.

The Amsterdam police were able to find out the identity of one of the possible suspects during the investigation. This person was tracked down and arrested on Thursday afternoon. The police assume that someone else was involved in the robbery and therefore do not rule out a second arrest.

Gordon told Wednesday in an interview with The Telegraph that two intruders had tied him up and assaulted him. They would then have taken credit cards and jewelery, including a Rolex watch. “I was beaten, kicked and humiliated and they threatened to stab me to death. I was convinced that I would be killed,” said the singer and presenter.

After the invaders left with their loot, Gordon freed himself and raised the alarm in the street. Security guards from a museum in Amsterdam South came to his rescue.

Gordon has been treated by a doctor and is going into therapy to come to terms with the event. Since the robbery, both his home and himself have been secured.

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