Jakarta – The process of investigating the disclosure of the death case Brigadier J which has received public attention until now is still ongoing, Susno Duadji emphasized that the investigation process is up to now Bharada E so Justice Collaborator: leads to killer brain.
Ex Police Criminal Investigation Unit During the 2008-2009 period, Susno Duadji emphasized the investigation process until Bharada E became a Justice Collaborator: it led to the mastermind of the murder case which had been going on for about a month and caught the public’s attention.
Komjen Pol (Ret.) Susno Duadji, who from the beginning followed and highlighted the case of Brigadier J’s death, who died horribly in official residence former Head of the Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambowas present as a guest speaker on tvOne’s Evening News Program.
“There is no official statement from the National Police yet, but we have seen this phenomenon that there is already a suspect Bharada E, article 338 juncto 55 and 56, which we are confused about, right? Perpetrator? What are the main actors? what to do? or who participated, added two more suspects and immediately article 340, it was premeditated murder,” he said.
This retired Three-Star General welcomes Bharada E’s decision to volunteer as a Justice Collaborator and asks for protection LPSK.
“Moreover, if it happens, Bharada E asks for LPSK protection to become a Justice Collaborator, this is very good,” he said.