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Susanne and Richard from Cologne: “We will not be vaccinated. This is our personal risk!” – Topics in development

“Without taking pictures of us and telling us our names! We don’t want to be thought of as crazy or conspiracy theorists. We just don’t want to get vaccinated,” said Richard, whose name was changed by the newsroom. We meet him and his girlfriend Susanne in a park on the outskirts of Cologne. Her name has also been changed. Both are convinced that a vaccination is too serious an intervention for the body, write from “Deutsche says“.

Richard and Susanne are not considered opponents of the vaccines. As children, they were immunized with conventional vaccines, but now do not trust vaccines against COVID-19. They admit that their relatives and friends did not approve of their behavior. And Suzanne says, “They think they’re immortal when they get vaccinated. In fact, they can still become infected.

“Many brought it out as a mild flu”

Arguing that vaccination minimizes the risk of severe disease, Richard says: “It is possible, but in the end one must weigh the benefits and risks. I have colleagues and acquaintances who fell ill with kovid, but got it only with mild symptoms, or as the most common flu.

A recent study by the University of Erfurt shows that the willingness of people in Germany to be vaccinated is declining – from 57% in early June to 41% now. One of the reasons for this is the lack of trust in vaccines. In addition, many people do not perceive COVID-19 as a real danger.

Richard and Susanne believe that the media exaggerates the dangers posed by the coronavirus. The “system media”, as they call them, invite the same experts who say the same thing.

Richard claims that the media is uncritical. And Susanne adds that her acquaintance was in a coma for two months after vaccination, which makes her even more cautious now. “But the media doesn’t say anything about such cases, that’s why they thoroughly inform about the especially severe forms of the disease,” she resents.

“Are these scientific arguments?”

He and Richard find other things strange. For example, recommendations to vaccinate children. “The United States has said that vaccines are also suitable for minors. The same opinion was expressed in some European countries, while in Germany they see a risk in this. How to explain such a contradiction? “Obviously, these are not scientific arguments.”

Or the topic of herd immunity: “First, 60 percent of those vaccinated would be enough, and now there is talk of 85 percent. I have no idea how such a percentage of vaccinated can be achieved, since children and young people will not be vaccinated. For me, the Standing Committee on Vaccination in Germany is very controversial and unconvincing, “added Susanne.

Indeed, the Robert Koch Institute recently pointed out that in order to prevent a new wave of the coronavirus pandemic, between 85 and 90 percent of the population over the age of 12 needs to be vaccinated.

A study conducted by the University of Erfurt concluded that people are more likely to be vaccinated if they would protect other people in this way. In this regard, Richard says that if they do not want to be vaccinated, it does not make them antisocial. “Or take the words of the American president that vaccination is a patriotic duty. I’m sorry, but what kind of nonsense is this? ”He commented.

“This is our personal risk”

And what do they both think about the fact that in the future, attending mass events or traveling by plane will probably only be possible if you prove that you have been vaccinated? According to Susanne, this is the introduction of a covert vaccination obligation, although the German government claims otherwise. “Then we will not go to such events, and we will go on vacation only by car,” says Susanne.

The study’s authors recommend that vaccination be further facilitated so that more people can be immunized – for example, it is possible for people to be vaccinated at work. This is already disturbing for Susanna. “In the meantime, my employer also offers such an opportunity. But there are also people who do not want to be vaccinated, and it is possible that this may be a reason for dismissal or non-renewal of their employment contract, “she said, and Richard added:” Ultimately, everyone must decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated or not. “This is our personal risk, accept it!”

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