Susanna Laine is celebrating her 20-year career in public this year.
It’s a jubilee year ahead. Susanna Laine42, began her public career in 2004 when she hosted MTV Pulse Nights program. This year will be 20 years since the actress, presenter and the second hereditary princess of Miss Finland 2005 came to the public.
On the other hand, Susanna, who comes from Ostrobothnia, got used to being in the public eye as a child, when her sister Tiina Laine was crowned Miss Finland as the first hereditary princess in 1984.
– It didn’t affect our everyday life. We watched him on TV if he was a guest on the shows. When I came to Tiina’s place in Helsinki, I got to go to exciting places with her, such as the back rooms of fashion shows. It was really exciting for a 10-year-old, Susanna recalls to Iltalehte.

Susanna Laine says that her older sister’s fame did not affect their everyday life in any way. MIKKO HUISKO
Soon, the people in the mission field started to encourage Susanna to participate in the Miss Finland contest. Sisko Tiina wasn’t even mad about it, but let Susanna make her own decisions. The rest is history.
The Miss Finland competition brought Susanna visibility, which helped her get a job in the media industry. However, the stamp of miss also came with it.
– I remember how the media asked the misses quiz questions to find out who is the smartest among them and who is not. So really – it was a beauty contest. I thought about going to the pageant for a long time, because I knew it had a certain stigma. I would be a miss forever, says the presenter.
– It’s good that I went, because it sped things up. I remember thinking around thirty Half past six – program, that maybe now they think of me also as a host, and not as a miss anymore, he continues.
Susanna knocks on wood when she says that she is lucky that she has not suffered from the publicity so far. There hasn’t been any fuss about him.
– Maybe I’m quite ordinary, and not very amazing in the end games, he laughs.
Susanna Laine feels that she has not suffered from publicity so far. MIKKO HUISKO
The host admits that the sneaks have kept him on his toes.
– In a bad situation, I can’t say anything, even if I wanted to, because it can be filmed and called in the newspaper. Through that, I have become aware of how it would be good to behave in different situations, Susanna says.
All in all, publicity has taught Susanna to stand up for herself and believe in herself.
– If you hug in public to get attention and approval, there may be a loss. In that sense, you have to have good self-esteem: you have to be aware of who you are. The good doesn’t waver if it depends on what the public thinks, he reminds.
Accustomed to uncertainty
Susanna is also used to the uncertainty of her field. Despite that, he has sometimes been struck by the fear of running out of work.
– Especially near the age of 30, I had a phase when I wondered if I should really study something. Then there was almost nothing for almost a year. However, the last few years have gone well, says Susanna.
– I feel that I have such a character that this uncertain field suits me. However, I am adventurous and want twists and turns, he emphasizes.
Susanna Laine reminds that it is good to have good self-esteem in public work. MIKKO HUISKO
A few years ago, Susanna had to think about her work pace in terms of her own ability to cope. Today, the pace of work has stabilized so well that he may have “quieter” times that even become boring. At that point, Susanna is able to refuse work, but it is also good for her that there is enough work.
– I like that I have work on weekdays. It gives rhythm to the days. It’s not healthy to work three jobs in a row, but it’s also not nice to have only one gig a month.
Susanna admits that she has had to rethink her workload because of Finland’s economic situation.
– Yes, you will notice, as surely everyone does, that the grocery bag has become more expensive. But I have nothing to worry about, says Susanna.
Susanna Laine admits that it is difficult to talk about money when she is aware that it arouses emotions in people. MIKKO HUISKO
The host reveals that he had to think carefully about what he spends his money on when the prices rise.
– I’ve always been a moderate spender, and I’ve never been a spendthrift. I have been careful with money since I was young. I think it’s related to home education, because when I went to school, they didn’t teach financial matters, Susanna reflects.
– There is a lot of entrepreneurial spirit in my family and in my family, and economic lessons have come from home. As soon as I left home for Helsinki, I got the idea to buy an owner-occupied apartment, because living in a rental would be just as expensive, he adds.
To be precise, Susanna bought her first apartment at the age of 19. The mortgage made him work a lot. Today, he has several investment apartments that are rented out.
In the spring of 2023, mortgage interest rates suddenly rose.
– Of course it would hurt all of us mortgage debtors, but luckily the direction is already for the better, Susanna states.
– We’ve just gotten used to a zero interest rate for so long, even though that interest rate isn’t incredibly high even now. Loan money doesn’t have to be free, he says.
Currently, Susanna has plans to enjoy the coming summer. He has almost always been at work during the summer, and this time there will be TV filming as well. This year, however, he plans to take a long summer vacation.
– I was thinking of visiting my friends’ cottages and of course going to Ostrobothnia. I don’t go abroad because the summer in Finland is wonderful. At the most, I’ll go on a Swedish cruise, he says.
Susanna has other future plans on the horizon. The host has managed to realize all his childhood dreams, but he still wants to set himself goals to go towards. Susanna currently wants to continue as a multi-talent in the entertainment industry, but keeps her mind open for new opportunities.
– Maybe I’m dreaming of an interview show or acting. In addition, I dream of the same as surely everyone else: living in a warm country all winter. It would be wonderful if there was ever a chance to do that, he says at the end, his eyes twinkling.
Susanna Laine dreams of an interview show or acting. MIKKO HUISKO
Hair and makeup: Riia Koivisto. Stailaus: Hani Haimi. Clothing information: Orange dress: Zimmermann and Boots Isabel Marant My o My / Kämp Galleria. Yellow Saimi dress: Lalli S / Kämp Galleria. Jewelry: round earrings / Glitter
#Susanna #Laine #open #financial #situation