Home » today » Health » Susanna Griso sends a message of encouragement to Ana Rosa Quintana and a ‘balsamic hug’

Susanna Griso sends a message of encouragement to Ana Rosa Quintana and a ‘balsamic hug’

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On November 2, Ana Rosa Quintana announced that she had breast cancer and that he was leaving the program for a time until his recovery. That moment, it seems that she is getting closer every day. A few days ago, the presenter published these words. “Fortunately I feel very well and I am already in the final stretch of chemo. I also take this as a job, healthy foodtraining 3 days a week, yoga one day, long walks, enjoying family, the support of my colleagues, the thousands of people who send me their love and good wishes, positive thinking and being sure that I I will be cured thanks to our excellent doctors”. Susanna Griso, Ana Rosa’s main rival in the mornings, also wishes her a speedy recovery and sends her some ‘balsamic’ words full of affection. Press play and listen to their statements.

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