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Survivors speak out: The tragic journey in the “metal coffin” truck near Lokorsko

The last victim of the tragedy near Lokorsko was also discharged from the hospital. The man was in a coma for 31 days. One of the biggest tragedies involving migrants in our country happened two months ago. Traffickers abandoned a truck carrying 40 people. 18 of them died of suffocation. Only the survivors speak to NOVA. Marieta Nikolaeva also met the last one, whose chances of life were not great at all.

The migrants who survived the tragedy near Lokorsko speak: The truck was like a metal coffin (VIDEO)

Hedalayat Olah is 30 years old. He was discharged from the hospital a few days ago. He is learning to walk again and trying to get his memory back. “At the moment I’m not feeling very well and I’ve forgotten a lot of things,” he explains.

He has six children – five boys and a girl. He remembers leaving Afghanistan for Germany in the fatal truck. “I wanted to go to Germany because I have a brother there. I want to fix my children’s lives, to get an education,” says Olah.

In Istanbul, he contacted traffickers. No clear memories. He says it wasn’t difficult to connect with channelers. “There are ways, there are acquaintances, we connect,” he pointed out.

Olah has fragmentary memories of the fatal truck ride. “It happened very quickly, the oxygen stopped and I don’t remember anything, I passed out. I had a lot of water, but I gave it to other guys. That’s why I’m dehydrated,” added Hedalayat.

Marieta Nikolaeva: Because of damage to the truck, the victims near Lokorsko are not 52

Remember until there is water. Then he faints. The man was hospitalized, where he was in a coma for 31 days – between life and death. “At one point I woke up and saw that they had put something down my throat. I didn’t know what was going on,” he says. He feels better now.

While Hedalayat is still trying to get his memory back, his friends from the truck told NOVA in detail about the nightmarish journey that ended near Lokorsko. Traffickers from Istanbul transported them to our border. They jumped over the fence with a ladder and hid in the forest for two days. Then they put them in the fatal truck.

“For an hour or two we were fine as long as both fans were running. But they burned. Then we began to feel the lack of oxygen. We shouted, but no one heard us, unfortunately. Unfortunately, we lost 18 friends. The rest of us, about 32 of us, felt very bad. When we reached Sofia, the driver wanted to turn onto a dirt road. However, it rained and the car got stuck. He tried to get her out so we could continue to the Serbian border, but he didn’t get up and ran away,” said one of the survivors.

THE “LOKORSKO” CASE: They left the former border policeman in custody

Asked if they had not heard them, he said: “No, unfortunately nothing was heard. The car was made in such a way that sounds from inside to outside do not come out. We were screaming. The moment the door opened we rushed out. We couldn’t breathe, we couldn’t do anything. Those of us who felt a little better tried to help the others, but it turned out that they had already died,” he added.

“I was right next to the door, which I pushed with my shoulder. It was as if a small gap had appeared through which I could breathe a little,” said a man from the fatal truck.

“The whole time it felt like I was living the last moments of my life. I fell unconscious. My friends saved my life,” said another survivor of the tragedy.

All the victims have already left our country. When he recovers, Hedalayat also intends to continue on his way to Germany.

For the biggest tragedy with migrants in our country – near Lokorsko, six people are in custody. One of them is a former border policeman.

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2023-04-26 05:50:55

#FRONT #NOVA #surviving #migrant #Lokorsko #speaks

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