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Survivors of Covid-19 Infection At Risk of Mental Disorders, Study – All Pages

Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

The risk of mental disorders after recovering from Covid-19 can be experienced by survivors.

GridHEALTH.id – declared cured of infection Covid-19 is good news.

However, there is a risk of effects on long-term health from Covid-19 infection or so-called long Covid-19.

Covid-19 patients who have recovered are at risk of developing lung, heart and kidney health problems.

A study published in The BMJ found the impact of Covid-19 infection on survivors.

Researchers from the Saint Louis Health Care System conducted a study using data from 153,848 Covid-19 survivors who had been declared cured for 12 months.

This study used data on Covid-19 patients between March 2020 and January 2021, and the study ended in November 2021.

Researchers also collected data from two control groups: 5,637,840 people who were not infected with Covid-19 during the same period, as well as 5,859,251 individuals using health services whose data were used in the study.

From the study, it was found that Covid-19 survivors had an increased risk of mental health problems in the first year after illness.

A clinical epidemiologist and assistant professor at Washington University at St. Louis, Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly said that the results of his research changed the mind about SARS-CoV-2.

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“It’s not just a respiratory virus, it’s a systemic virus that can trigger damage and clinical consequences in almost every organ, including mental health disorders and neurocognitive decline,” he said.

Ziyad Aly and his colleagues quantified the post-Covid-19 incidence of developing various mental health problems by comparing outcomes between survivor and control groups.

The risks of mental health disorders found are as follows:

* Anxiety disorders: 35% risk in the Covid-19 group

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* Depression: 39% higher risk

* Sleep disturbances: 41% higher risk

Launch Medical News TodayThursday (24/02/2022), the effect of Covid-19 infection on mental health is related to inflammation that occurs in the brain.

“We know brain inflammation occurs in major depressive disorder and dementia,” said Dr. Maura Boldrini, a psychiatrist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City.

“And brain symptoms are found in other inflammatory diseases such as (systemic lupus erythematosus). Even in people with mild COVID-19, there can be a prolonged inflammatory response that interferes with the synthesis of cerebral blood vessels and neurotransmitters, including serotonin.

The Centers for Control and Prevention (CDC) says long-term Covid-19 generally occurs four weeks or more after being first infected.

They said some of the most common symptoms include difficulty breathing, brain fog, and joint or muscle pain.

Covid-19 survivors may also experience sleep problems, mood swings, menstrual cycle changes, and changes in the sense of taste.

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