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Surviving Life’s Challenges: The Inspiring Story of Kuang Xiuyi and Her Family

Kuang Xiuyi and her husband, the Lin family, have gone through life troughs, and they support each other, and finally overcome the difficulties and see the light again.

Because of a family history of cancer, a woman in Singapore faced bad luck one after another, but survived each one. The 39-year-old Kuang Xiuyi, who works as an administrator, experienced her mother’s death from illness, her husband’s stroke and half of his body paralyzed, her father’s diagnosis of advanced nasal cancer, and she also suffered from cervical cancer and lost her fertility in the past three years. Although her life has fallen to the bottom, with her strong vitality, she bravely faced many difficulties, defeated the disease, and rebuilt a happy life.

Unbearable mother’s sudden death

According to comprehensive Singapore media reports, Kuang Xiuyi’s parents suffered from cancer in the early years. Her father was diagnosed with a brain tumor 10 years ago, and her mother was also diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, under her careful care, both of them successfully survived the disease. Kwong Xiuyi said in an interview:

Both parents’ immunity has weakened and they often have to go in and out of the hospital. I was worried that my younger brother would not be able to cope, so I took on the responsibility of taking care of my parents.

However, two years after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, in January 2020, Kuang Xiuyi’s mother was sent to the hospital due to continuous vomiting and diarrhea. The cause of the disease was not found, and she passed away within a week of hospitalization. She said with tears:

I still can’t accept my mother’s sudden departure from us.

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But this is only the beginning of the darkness! At the end of 2020, it was her husband Lin Jiasheng’s turn to have an accident. Lin Jiasheng suffered a stroke when he went to the bathroom and was sent to the hospital. Although the treatment was timely, the left half of his body lost mobility, and the work of the parcel delivery staff was also forced to stop for a year. And learn to walk from scratch. The most unexpected thing was that bad luck came one after another. In July of the following year, Kwong Xiuyi’s father sought medical attention due to nasal congestion and runny nose, and was diagnosed with advanced nasal cancer.

The house leaked and it rained all night! Before she had time to face the misfortune of her loved ones, Kwong Xiuyi was found to have stage 1B cervical cancer during a routine gynecological examination two months later. She revealed:

Before that, I had three miscarriages. The third time was an ectopic pregnancy. I had a massive hemorrhage and was admitted to the intensive care unit at one point.

Received 27 radiation treatments

At that time, the doctor gave her two options, which were local resection of the tumor or resection of the reproductive system. In order to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence, she chose the latter. After the operation, she entered menopause in an instant when she was not yet 40. Not only did she sweat frequently and suffer from insomnia, but she also developed rashes all over her body. She received 27 radiation treatments. The process was very painful, and she suffered from diarrhea up to ten times a day.

Kuang Xiuyi admitted that this was the darkest period of her life, but all kinds of bad luck did not weaken her will to survive. She actively cooperated with the treatment, endured the sequelae after the operation, and visited her cancer-fighting father with an ostomy bag during the recovery period. She confessed:

Even though fate is so unfair, I still desperately want to live.

Dad recovers and husband returns to work

Keep the clouds open to see the dawn! Now her father has successfully fought against cancer again, her husband has regained his mobility with the help of physical therapy, and has retaken his driver’s license, and she herself has overcome the disease for nearly two years.

After going through the trough of life, she has a different understanding of life, and she learns to be grateful for what she has instead of what she has lost. Last month, Kwong was one of the recipients of the annual Inspiring Patient Awards hosted by the Singapore Health Services Group.

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2023-06-09 13:30:00

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