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Ruptured uterus
When Marleen is five centimeters dilated at 2 p.m., she will receive an epidural. “I had already been working for hours and was not making any progress. The doctors suggested a caesarean section, but I didn’t want that. A few hours later, the baby’s heart rate started to drop and my blood pressure to rise. I had to have a caesarean section anyway.”
Marleen appears to have such a narrow uterus that the child cannot be born naturally. “She had her shoulder stuck in my pelvis. The gynecologist had to pull so hard that my uterus ruptured and the gynecologist broke her hand. Normally a caesarean section takes about half an hour, but I was in the operating room for about two hours.”
Emergency caesarean section
Daughter Julia is born healthy. “She was doing very well, she was an easy-going child from the start. She only cried when she was hungry.” The girl does throw up a lot. “The doctors thought it was due to the intense delivery, but later it turned out that she had a cow’s milk allergy.”
The young mother’s recovery is not going as well as hoped. “At home I got extreme stomach pains. I had a fever of 41 degrees, a lot of pain and was admitted to the hospital. It turned out that I had a blood clot in my uterus that had become infected, it was an abscess measuring five by five centimeters. I almost died.”
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Therapy and trauma processing
Two weeks after Julia’s birth, the abscess is surgically removed. Marleen stays in the hospital for six days before she can go home again. “The wound kept leaking. I was so weak. My friend rinsed the wound with water three times a day, so things were finally moving in the right direction. But it took me three weeks to get better.”
Julia is now a happy toddler. “She is a dream child, so sweet and easy, and always happy.” Marleen is also doing well now, but the ruptured uterus and everything that happened before and after did not bother her. “I had a lot of trouble with the birth. At first I couldn’t talk about it without bursting into tears. I have now had therapy and trauma processing. That’s why now is the time to share my story, for others who are going through something like this. My daughter, my boyfriend and I are doing well, there is light at the end of the tunnel.”
Do you also have a special birth story? Email your name and story in a few sentences to [email protected], stating ‘Special deliveries’ and who knows, you might soon read your story on LINDA.nl.
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2023-11-21 05:05:18
#Marleen #suffered #ruptured #uterus #caesarean #section