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Survey Shows Prabowo Subianto Leads Presidential Candidate Support Ahead of 2024 Election


Survey institute Indo Strategis released a survey related to the support map for presidential candidates ahead of the 2024 election. In the survey, Gerindra party chairman Prabowo Subianto occupies the top position when compared to the other two candidate pairs, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan.

The survey was released by Indo Strategies, Wednesday (17/5/2023), via online broadcast. This survey was conducted using a multistage random sampling technique with a sample size of 1,230 respondents. Margin of Error -/+ 2.83% with 95% Confidence Level.

Respondents are residents aged +/= 17 years or who already have KTP. Proportionally distributed in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

Data collection techniques through face-to-face interviews with the help of questionnaires, quality control spot check 10% of the sample. The survey data collection time is 1 to 10 May 2023.

Initially, respondents were asked ‘If the Presidential election were held today, which of the following candidates would you choose to become President?’. The names that were mentioned the most by respondents were names that were already circulating, such as Prabowo, Ganjar, and Anies.

Here are the results of the question:

– Prabowo Subianto 33.5%
– Ganjar Pranowo 19.7%
– Anies Baswedan 18.5%
– Ridwan Kamil 5.8%
– Erick Thohir 5.6%
– Khofifah I Prawansa 3.3%
– Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono 3.1%
– Muhaimin Iskandar 2.2%
– Sandiaga Uno 1.6%
– Airlangga Hartarto 1.4%
– Mahfud MD 1.3%
– Andika Perkasa 1.2%
– Mrs. Empress 0.5%
– Didn’t answer/don’t know 2.3%.

If the head to head simulation of the top three names with the question ‘Head to Head simulation of three presidential candidates if the election is held today’, then Prabowo gets the highest score. Prabowo got 38.7%.

1. Prabowo Subianto: 38.7%
2. Ganjar Pranowo 20.2%
3. Anies Baswedan 18.4%
Don’t know/don’t answer 22.7%.

Respondents were also asked about their reasons for choosing the presidential candidate. There are those who vote because the figure is a unifying nation, people, and also smart.

“There are several reasons why Prabowo’s position is still unshakable. First, in public perception Prabowo is a unifying figure for the nation. It can be seen from Prabowo’s joining the Jokowi administration, then Prabowo’s engagement with his political opponents in the past, proving that Prabowo is more concerned with national unity. rather than group interests,” said Director of IndoStrategi, Arif Nurul Imam when releasing the survey results.

“This at the same time shows that Prabowo has a big heart, is not vindictive and is “emotional”. The second reason is that Prabowo is a friendly figure, seen in several moments that Prabowo is very relaxed. This is something new for Prabowo. Third, Prabowo is still perceived as a person who is brave, then assertive and being responsible, which is indeed the main character that is widely known to the public. The fifth reason, Prabowo was chosen because he is a populist, this character cannot be separated from the friendliness shown by Prabowo today. The temperamental impression is no longer visible. This finding gives rise to a new character from Prabowo,” he added.

Arif also announced the public’s reasons for choosing Ganjar, most respondents considered Ganjar to be a populist and friendly figure. While Anies was chosen by respondents because he was considered smart and religious.

“Then the public’s reasons for choosing Ganjar are still dominated by the figure of ganjar who is populist, friendly, often gives gifts, likes to joke and other reasons. We can see that Ganjar is very active in uploading his daily activities such as greeting the public well before and after being declared by the PDIP as a presidential candidate,” he explained.

“Meanwhile, Anies was preferred by the public because he was smart, religious, friendly and had good performance during his time as governor of DKI Jakarta. Anies’ electability did not increase, instead he experienced a slight decrease due to the recent pause or decrease in the intensity of Anies’ campaign. Apart from the lack of solid support for the change coalition against Anies, his position Anies as a figure who wants to portray himself as a person of change is not successful because NasDem is apparently still part of the government. This does not make public support for change less than optimal,” he continued.



2023-05-17 07:53:53

#Indo #Strategy #Presidential #Candidate #Survey #Prabowo #Ganjar #Anies

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