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Survey: more than 2/3 of the population expects a new outbreak of Covid-19 in the fall | Press release

July 26, 2022.

The information was prepared by Agnija Greizina, head of the marketing and communication department of Tamro Latvia.

More than 2/3 or 68% of surveyed Latvian residents expect a new outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in the fall (23% – yes, 45% – rather yes), concluded BENU Aptiekas Stress thermometer data, obtained in cooperation with the GEMIUS company, by surveying more than 1,400 respondent.

Meanwhile, 15% of respondents tend to think that a new outbreak of Covid-19 is not expected in the fall (8% – no, 7% – rather not), while another 17% could not give a specific opinion.

Analyzing the obtained data according to the gender of the respondents, women more often stated that a new outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic is expected in the cold period of this year – among women this indicator was 73% (27% – yes, 46% – rather yes), and for men – 63% (20% – yes, 43% – rather yes). Meanwhile, 15% of women (9% – no, 6% – rather no) and 16% of men (8% – no, 8% – rather no) gave the opposite opinion, while another 12% of women and 21% of men could not give a specific opinion.

According to the colloquial language used in the family, it can be concluded that Russian-speakers more often stated that they expect a new outbreak of Covid-19 in the autumn – 75% of them expressed this opinion (16% – yes, 59% – rather yes), while for Latvians this indicator was 69% (25% – yes, 44% – rather yes). 14% of Russian-speakers (6% – no, 8% – rather no) and 13% of Latvians (6% – no, 7% – rather no) had the opposite opinion, while another 11% of Russian-speakers and 18% of Latvians could not give a specific opinion.

Comparing the results by the age of the respondents, the population aged 25 to 34 most often predicts a new outbreak of Covid-19 in the autumn and winter season – 77% of them (yes – 28%, rather yes – 49%), followed by the age group of 35 up to 44 years (yes – 24%, rather yes – 48%), population aged 55 to 74 (yes – 20%, rather yes – 49%), population aged 45 to 54 (yes – 22%, rather yes – 44%) and respondents from 18 to 24 years old (yes – 23%, rather yes – 23%).

BENU Aptieka invites you to observe the preventive measures for Covid-19 recommended by the Ministry of Health and the Center for Disease Prevention and Control:

Avoid contact with other people and do not go to public places even with the slightest symptoms of respiratory illness.

Try to keep a distance of 2 meters in public places.

Observe hand hygiene – wash your hands regularly and correctly. If this is not possible, use hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face with dirty hands.

Ventilate the premises regularly – open the windows wide several times a day.

In places where it is not possible to maintain a safe distance, it is recommended to use a face mask or respirator FFP2, which is especially recommended for people with chronic diseases, reduced immunity. When using a face mask, the nose and mouth must be tightly covered.

The survey was conducted in cooperation with the Internet research company GEMIUS, surveying 1478 respondents in July.

BENU Aptiekas is part of a European network of pharmacies that unites approximately 700 pharmacies in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Estonia and Lithuania. BENU Aptieku tīkls is one of the leading drug retail companies in Latvia, which unites 79 pharmacies in all major regions of the country. More than 400 employees work in BENU Pharmacies in Latvia.

Additional information:

Mob. tel.: +371 29107001

E-pasts: [email protected]

www.tamro.lv, www.benu.lv


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