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Survey: every tenth inhabitant of Latvia admits that he cannot swim – in Latvia

Last year, Latvian waters took 96 lives. Unfortunately, 80 deaths have already been lifted from the water bodies this year, and the year is only halfway there. The extinction of human lives continues to accentuate the problem, which, in contrast to the statistics of road deaths at the national level, is quietly sidelined every year: the Latvian population’s ability to swim and their understanding of safety at water is critically insufficient.

In a survey conducted by the insurance company BALTA (PZU Group), 73% of the population admitted that they do not know how to swim or do not feel safe in the water. However, experts from the association “Swim safely” point out that this figure could actually be even higher, because people often overestimate their skills.

Not only the lack of swimming skills, but also reckless behavior on the water is a cause for concern – a third (33%) of the respondents admit that they have swumed under the influence of alcohol.

Statistics in Europe show that we are still in the first place in terms of the number of drowned people, however, Latvians value their swimming skills relatively highly – almost a third or 27% are convinced that they swim very well and feel safe in the water. The majority or 47% of respondents admit that they know how to swim, but they are not self-confident and treat the water with reverence. Meanwhile, a fifth or 21% explain that they are able to stay afloat, but assess their swimming skills as weak, and it can be described more as being on the shore or splashing than swimming.

As Zane Gemze, the founder of the association “Swim Safely”, explains, the common definition of swimming skills in the Scandinavian countries stipulates that a person must be able to swim 200 meters, including 50 meters on his back.

“Comparing the results of the latest survey with the survey conducted by the Latvian Swimming Federation in 2017, the number of people who admit that their swimming skills are insufficient has significantly increased. 73% of the survey participants have admitted that they do not know how to swim or do not feel safe in the water; In 2017, they were 64%. The data show that the public is becoming aware of the lack of water competence and, at the level of awareness, is likely to become more attentive and attentive in the vicinity of water. The survey data completely dispels the myth that those who do not feel safe or cannot swim do not go into the water. Despite the lack of water competence, 89% of the population go swimming, of which only 27% feel safe in the water, ”emphasizes Zane Gemze.

According to L. Ščegoļeva, accidents on the water are often related to reckless or reckless actions, without objectively assessing their abilities and possible risks. This is confirmed by the results of the survey – 9% of the population admit that they have swam under the influence of alcohol, much more – 24% – indicate that they have swam under the influence of alcohol.

‘Irrespective of the degree of intoxication, drinking and swimming, driving, water sports or being near water are not compatible things. This shows once again that the story is more about a change of public opinion, and only after that we can talk about safe swimming, ”L. Ščegoļeva is convinced, calling for better choice of official bathing areas or at least bathing areas near other people who may respond and provide assistance promptly.

According to the survey data, every fifth resident currently chooses a bathing place where there are no other people. But remember that the price of a private and quiet beach can be worth life. However, most water lovers choose bathing places responsibly – 13% are important that there are lifeguards in the bathing area, 24% go to widely visited bathing areas, but 69% choose well-known water bodies where they feel safe and know their bed.

“Attention should be paid to the fact that 69% will choose a body of water that is well-known and whose bed is known for swimming. The choice is dictated by the power of habit, it increases the risk of carelessness, but the usual bathing place may not be safe and carelessness can lead to life-threatening situations. For example, the riverbed can change even several times a season, various objects in the depths can turn out to be an unexpected surprise. The water tank should be inspected by walking before each bath. Only a swimming pool is a completely safe environment for swimming, ”explains Z. Gemze.

Although almost as many people drown every year as they die in road accidents, there is a lack of educational campaigns to encourage people to think about safety on the water.


• If you overheat, go into the water slowly to avoid sudden changes in body temperature that could cause muscle cramps or heart and circulatory problems.

• Do not distract from the child for a moment! Children who already know how to swim well should also be looked at in the water – the child may overestimate his swimming abilities, swim too far or suddenly be scared.

• Don’t be brave – don’t take risks! Boasting that you can swim farthest is not worth risking your life.

• Remember that inflatable boats (rings, mattresses, balls, etc.) are only toys and not swimming equipment! A child who does not know or learns to swim in the water must wear a special swimsuit.

• Discuss with children in advance what to do in the event of an accident!

• Note that the most dangerous injuries are caused by jumping into the water from a springboard, footbridge, bridge or shore, so before doing so, consider whether you really need it!

• When riding a boat or doing water sports, pull on a life jacket! Don’t forget to put it on your child.

• Always look after each other so that you can help in time in the event of an accident!

• Do not swim alone! If there are problems in the water, there will be no one around to help.

• Do not swim in strong winds, at night or during storms!

• Never go swimming if you have consumed alcohol!

• Remember – call 112 in an emergency!

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