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Survey: a data on vaccination in the country generates relief and concern at the same time

84.3% of Argentines consider that the mass vaccination prevents the spread of Covid-19. This was revealed by a study by Conicet, through a survey of 4,537 residents in the country, internet and mobile phone users, between December of last year and the current one. Its about first report of the survey Science, health, beliefs and society in the context of a pandemic.

“This belief is very installed. Users feel that they are already protected with the vaccine and that the spread of the disease is prevented. The conviction, in some way, is not wrong, but it is not the technical function [del fármaco]. It is a positive thing, because it shows that there is confidence in vaccination. However, this can lead to some kind of relaxation of care measures, such as distancing, contact with family and friends or preventive isolation. It would be necessary to clarify the information and send a clearer and more specific message “, he told THE NATION Gabriela Irrazábal, researcher at Conicet and author of the report, which was funded by the International Research Network For The Study Of Science and Belief, together with the University of Birmingham and the Templeton Foundation.

In addition, 70% of the respondents stated that they were in favor of mandatory inoculation. Martín Stryjewski, Head of Internment at Cemic and member of the board of directors of the Argentine Society of Infectology (SADI), he emphasized: “Mass vaccination reduces the circulation of the coronavirus, since it reduces symptomatic infection and, to a lesser extent, asymptomatic”. And he added: “Some studies even suggest that the relatives of those vaccinated also have less symptomatic affection. Therefore, vaccination not only protects the one who is vaccinated; also indirectly to his circle of cohabitants ”.

Meanwhile, 20% consider that vaccination should be recommended and, in the case of children, it should be a decision of each family. But there are also those who refuse to administer any dose: a 6.1% stated that they would not be vaccinated against Covid-19, mainly due to lack of confidence in the vaccine (58%), due to the belief that “you will still be infected” (40.3%) or because of fear of adverse effects (37%). In addition, 11.2% consider that the use of the mask and maintain social distance is sufficient.

Stryjewski highlighted: “It is key to highlight that vaccines, even those considered less effective such as inactivated [Sinopharm], Hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 clearly decrease. Even in strains like omicron, which seem more elusive to immunity, vaccines could cause the same effects ”.

“Vaccination not only protects those who are vaccinated, but also indirectly their circle of cohabitants”

Martín Stryjewski

Regarding adverse effects, the expert explained: “The Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination and Immunizations Severe-type (Esavi) are extremely rare with available vaccines. In Argentina, out of 43 million doses applied, only serious Esavi have been described in 0.36 out of every 100,000 doses applied [según un informe de octubre pasado elaborado por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación]. Therefore, at the population level, the benefit of vaccines far outweighs their very low risk ”.

On the other hand, 20% expressed doubts about whether vaccines modify the DNA of the people who apply them or if they have a connection to autism. “There is no scientific evidence that links vaccines in general to autism. That stemmed from a fraudulent post in 1998, the authors of which eventually acknowledged such an academic scam, ”Stryjewski noted.

The study also showed that Argentines showed three main health problems in the last year: conditions linked to mental health (47.2% claimed to suffer anxiety and 36.8%, depression), allergies and skin problems (42.3% and 34.7%, respectively), and Covid-19 (25.7%). Four out of 10 respondents revealed that a close person passed away this year. But 30% of those who suffered from a mental health problem did not go to any specialist: 50% carried out complementary care, such as ingesting medicinal plants and infusions or praying.

“All these issues, added to the isolation, had a great impact on mental health. These situations, as a whole, have been a very important effort for people and it was a very small percentage that was able to access the health system for various reasons ”, indicated the author.

In addition, 18% acknowledged suffering situations of violence: 76.3% for abuse and psychological harassment; 18.1% for physical assaults; and 5.6% for sexual violence. Half of those affected did not turn to anyone in such situations. “The rest managed by themselves, consulted their friends and family or self-managed with food and medicinal plants, resorted to homeopathy or reiki,” said Irrazábal.

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