Home » today » Entertainment » Surprising Turn of Events: Elissa’s Album Fate Postponed Again Amidst Appeal from Watari Company

Surprising Turn of Events: Elissa’s Album Fate Postponed Again Amidst Appeal from Watari Company

Despite her declaration of victory in her famous crisis with the “Watari” company regarding the distribution of her album, surprising developments occurred, which will postpone the fate of the album again.

In the details, Watari filed an appeal against the ruling that Elissa recently obtained regarding the distribution of her new album. Adhering to its exclusive position in the distribution of Elisa’s album. However, Elissa refuses this matter because the company did not preserve its rights regarding its recent crisis with Ziad Burji regarding the song “Ana W Bass”.

Elisa’s lawyer, Mark Habaka, is currently trying to end the crisis and obtain financial compensation as a result of the continuous delay in releasing the album and the resulting damage to the album makers.

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