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Surprising treatment for cancer patients … from a virus and not simpler!

In a new glimmer of hope for a cure cancer patientsBritish scientists have revealed that a new type of treatment using a virus that infects and destroys harmful cells has shown promise in early studies.

Scientists have made it clear that treatment with this virus has led to the disappearance of one of the patients’ tumors, while others have seen their tumors shrink, according to a report published by the British BBC network.

They also indicated that the drug is a weak form of the cold sores virus (herpes simplex), which has been modified to kill tumors, while experts confirmed that injecting this virus could eventually provide a lifeline. for more people with advanced cancers, despite the need for a longer and longer study.

Two ways to kill cancer

In addition, experiments conducted by the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust have shown that injection administered directly into the tumor attacks the cancer in two ways, the first by invading the cancer cells and causing them to explode, and the second by activating the system. immune system.

Cancer cells (iStock)

While the treatment has been tried in around 40 patients, some were given an injection of the virus, called RP2, alone, and others received another anticancer drug called nivolumab.

The results, presented at a medical conference in Paris, France, showed that three out of nine patients treated with RP2 only saw their tumors shrink.

Seven of the 30 who took the combination treatment also seemed to benefit, and side effects, such as fatigue, were generally mild.

advanced cancer treatment

Lead researcher Professor Kevin Harrington said the observed treatment responses were “impressive” in a number of advanced cancers, including esophageal cancer and a rare type of eye cancer.

Cancer (iStock - figurative)

Cancer (iStock – figurative)

Dr Marianne Baker, of Cancer Research UK, said the encouraging results could change the course of cancer treatment.

Baker also added, “The new viral treatment looks promising in a first small-scale trial,” noting that more studies are needed to see how effective it is.

strong strategy

“Research suggests that combining multiple treatments is a powerful strategy and viral therapies like these could become part of our cancer-busting toolkit,” he said.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time scientists have used a virus to fight cancer, as the British National Health Service (NHS) has approved a cold virus treatment, called T-Vec, to treat cancer of the advanced skin a few years ago.

Scientists have found that viruses can help cure cancer 100 years ago, but it was difficult to harness them safely and effectively.

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