Home » today » Business » Surprising Jump in Compulsory Insurance Prices for Passenger Cars in February 2024 – What You Need to Know

Surprising Jump in Compulsory Insurance Prices for Passenger Cars in February 2024 – What You Need to Know

Compulsory insurance has gone up in price, that’s the news you read every year, but what happened this year? According to the server top-pojištění.cz, only in February 2024 the price of compulsory insurance for passenger cars increased by leaps and bounds compared to last February.

Specifically by 15%, when last February’s average for a passenger car was CZK 4,266, while this year we are talking about CZK 4,896. And within the framework of last year, almost everything indicated that the price would not have to rise so much, since the average monthly price increase for the year 2023 was about 1.6% per month. The turnaround did not occur until the end of 2023, when prices began to rise more significantly, however, in most of the monitored cases, they did not catch up with this year.

Compared to February 2023, the prices of Česká podnikatská pojišťovna and Kooperativa increased the most, by about a third. Even the standard of cheap insurance, Slavia, was not far behind and increased in price by an average of 31%. At ČSOB, they raised prices by an average of 5%, while Uniqa lowered them by 1% and Pillow even by 6%.

The price increase was also reflected in the amount of the mandatory for individual vehicle brands, when Opel took on the role of price jumper with an average increase of 24%. Toyota finished in second place with a 20% price increase and Škoda Auto in third place with a 19% price increase.

PojišťovnaFebruary 2023February 2024 Year-on-year increaseČPP4 5306 17036 %Kooperativa4 4535 96134 %Slavia3 8965 08831 %ČSOB4 6884 9395 %Pillow4 1173 885-6 %Uniqa4 1944 171-1 %BrandFebruary 2023February 2024 Year-on-year increaseOpel3 2904 08024 %Toyota3 5734 28920 %Skoda3 9014 64519 %BMW5 8466 89618 % VW4 8255 60316 %Audi5 8946 64913 %Peugeot3 7914 24612 %Dacia3 1593 51011 %Citroën4 0974 55311 %Ford4 7665 1769 %Kia3 4853 8149 %Renault3 6413 451-5 %Volvo5 2954 874-8%Hyundai4 1613 522-15%

On the contrary, compulsory insurance for Renault and Volvo cars became cheaper, by 5 and 8%, respectively, but South Korea’s Hyundai is the biggest jumper downwards, with a 15% reduction in the average price for third-party liability insurance.

In addition, from April of this year, the minimum limits of insurance coverage will rise from 35 million crowns to 50 million crowns, which applies to about a tenth of insured motorists. The Top-pojištění.cz server also draws attention to uneven price increases within individual insurance companies.

Photo: Jan Majurník

Have your liability insurance recalculated once a year, sometimes even trusted comparators will help.

However, the change in the law does not play such a role in the increase in insurance prices, inflation is the main factor.

It is therefore worthwhile to have the liability insurance offer recalculated every year, or to pick up various promotions, which trustworthy price comparison sites can help you with. While it is possible, it is worth taking advantage of the better offers, because sooner or later there will be further movement of prices in the market. And probably upwards.

2024-03-08 14:00:00
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