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Surprising discovery of the origin of COVID: new doubts about its origin

Despite the exhausting investigation that took place a couple of months ago in Wuhan, doubts have once again arisen about the origin of the coronavirus, which became known at the end of 2019. As it has been known in recent days, Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China fell ill in November 2019, with symptoms similar to those we now associate with COVID-19. Even reaching a necessary severity of hospital care.

This is how the newspaper tells it this Monday The Wall Street Journal, with information from US intelligence, a report from the US State Department. Information that does not match what China indicated to the World Health Organization (WHO), dating the first coronavirus patient on December 8, 2019 in Wuhan.

Despite this first case, Many virologists and epidemiologists point to November 2019 as the date when the coronavirus began to circulate in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Meanwhile, Beijing maintains that its first case of COVID-19 emerged on December 1 of that same year. However, despite all this information and the three patients with symptoms similar to the disease that caused the pandemic, the Wuhan Institute has not shared raw data, safety logs, and lab records on its extensive work with coronavirus in bats, considered by many to be the most likely source of the virus.

China denies the virus came out of its laboratories

Despite the thousands of speculations that have been generated about the origin of the coronavirus, the main belief is that the virus arose in an original way, as a result of contact with animals. It was even the most realistic conclusion reached by the expedition that the WHO sent to Wuhan a few months ago, for an exhaustive analysis of the area, visiting the Wuhan Institute or the city market, where exotic animals are sold.

Despite this, Nor is this hypothesis that points to an accidental leak from the Wuhan Institute excluded, where, at that time, they were conducting research on the coronavirus in bats, an animal that is targeted for the spread of the virus to the population. However, China continues to deny this possibility. In fact, as pointed out The Wall Street Journal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China recalled that the study carried out by the WHO after its visit in February indicated that laboratory leakage was “extremely unlikely.”

The Biden administration declined to assess the study

Avoiding further controversy with China, the new administration of the president of the United States, Joe Biden, wanted to avoid comments on this intelligence report on the coronavirus. Of course, the American newspaper collects its intention that all technically credible theories about the birth of this disease should be investigated by the WHO. “We continue to have serious doubts about the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, including its origins in the People’s Republic of China,” a spokeswoman for the National Security Council commented to the newspaper.

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