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Surprising Confessions: How Camilla Helped King Charles III Overcome Trauma

The distant cousin of King Charles III, Edward of Anhalt-Dessau, and friend of his wife, Camila Parker, whom he met in the 1970s; he has done some surprising confessions about the British royal family who will surely have raised blisters in Buckingham Palace.

The 82-year-old head of the German noble family Anhalt-Askanien who, in addition to being an aristocrat, is a journalist, presenter and expert on the Royal Family; he has revealed a peculiar trauma that Queen Elizabeth II’s son had and that helped him overcome it, Camilla Parker Bowles, the wife of the King of England since 2005 although she was previously his lover while the monarch was married to Lady Di (Diana of Wales).

Now it has been known that Camilla has always been the great love of Charles III, his confidant and support but he has also been his therapist, since he was the only person who helped him overcome some traumas that he had since his childhood.

King Charles III had a trauma that his wife Camilla helped him overcome

Prince Edward Von Anhalt-Dessau has revealed in the magazine ‘Stern’ that King Charles III suffered from a trauma related to physical contact with other people, which he managed to overcome thanks to his wife. Stretcher helped him improve his skills when interacting with other people. “Carlos had a great trauma that Camilla resolved. He used to lose control when someone touched him spontaneously, he would put his hand on his arm or even his shoulder,” he noted. These situations meant that the king of England could even “panicking” when alone and surrounded by a group of strangers.

According to Charles III’s cousin, the monarch “is very relaxed noweven when he is surrounded by people and they touch him. That is clearly Camilla’s merit.”

In his day, Princess Diana revealed in an interview with the writer Ingrid Seward who her husband “couldn’t be tactile” with her and who suffered from a great “emotional retention” having been born into a family in which the most important thing is the legacy of the institution and not the emotional ties between its members. In fact, Charles III has always been known for being a shy and reserved man in your emotions and feelings, which He was never very affectionate or warm. with his two children nor with his first wife, Lady Di.

Eduardo Von Anhalt-Dessau assures that this trauma that Charles III had came from his time in the school Gordonstoun, the boarding school where his father forced him to goPhilip of Edinburgh, whose intention was to convert a Prince Charles who at that time was sensitive and interested in the arts and literature, in a strong and prepared man to become the next British sovereign. A decision with which Princess Diana disagreed but that he had to accept due to imposition.

At the time, Prince Charles was bullied, was a victim of psychological, verbal and physical abuse during much of his childhood and adolescence at the Scottish boarding school, according to sources close to the monarch. All this caused suffered panic attacks with physical contact with strangers until he met Camilla Parker, more than 50 years ago.

In the interview, Von Anhalt-Dessau also talks about if Charles III wanted to be king of England and suffered for waiting for so many years to be one after the death of his mother, Isabel II. “I wasn’t that interested to become King. I would have preferred William and Kate. But for this a change in the constitution would have been needed,” said the German.

When asked why the current kings of England did not marry before, despite the fact that Charles III never loved Diana of Wales, he explained: “I did not want to be sovereign and Carlos, for love, would have renounced the throne”.

Carlos III’s cousin reveals that Camila Parker smoked marijuana

Charles III’s cousin and journalist Eduard von Anhalt-Dessau has also revealed another unknown aspect of Camilla Parker, who smoked joints. A fact that she I was afraid it would come to light and could harm them. “She warned him: ‘Carlos, if the press takes a look at my past… At some point, voluntarily, I smoked marijuana, I had many loves and I lived a very colorful life. “I wouldn’t see myself next to you, as a future Queen.”

In the interview, the German also praised the revolutionary figure of Camila in the British Royal House. For example, she changed the rule of getting up on Sundays at six in the morning to fulfill certain real commitments.

Charles III’s cousin, Eduard von Anhalt-Dessau, says of Meghan Markle that “she is completely crazy”

In addition, Von Anhalt-Dessau has also praised Camilla Parker since he assures that the wife of King Charles III tried to join Meghan Markle in the British royal family, since both came from a background that was not monarchical. “Several times she told him: ‘Here everyone has their roles and you, With your origins, you integrate very well into the Commonwealth. The family could use you as an ambassador,'” said the German.

Charles III’s cousin has pointed out that he noticed this gesture on Camilla’s part during Prince Harry’s marriage, but, according to him, Meghan Markle is not well psychologically. “Meghan is mentally ill. You don’t understand these things, “she’s completely crazy”he has sentenced.

Eduard von Anhalt-Dessau feels sorry for the Duke of Sussex and has noted that if the divorce rumors were confirmed of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the youngest son of King Charles III and Lady Di, I would return immediately to Buckingham Palace at his father’s request.

Regarding the role they are playing the Prince William and Kate Middleton, only has good words. The journalist has shown his admiration for them and has explained that the heir alreadyHe learned a lot from his grandmother, Isabel II, and now he follows in his father’s footsteps very closely.

2023-10-06 10:14:50
#cousin #Charles #III #reveals #trauma #King #Camila #smoked #marijuana #assures #Meghan #Markle #crazy

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