Home » today » Business » Surprising: a teacher films the state of her hamburger and fries bought at McDonald’s … 24 years ago (VIDEO)

Surprising: a teacher films the state of her hamburger and fries bought at McDonald’s … 24 years ago (VIDEO)

Here’s a video that quickly went viral: TikTok user @ aly.sherb posted on the social network a video (seen almost 4 million times already) of her grandmother, a teacher, who unpacked a menu from McDonald’s bought in … 1996. So we see a bag of fries, as well as a hamburger, “freshly” unwrapped, 24 years after ordering. Preserved in a shoebox, the meal is revealed in a more than correct condition, knowing that it was housed there, according to the lady present on the video (and as the packaging of the dishes seems to attest), close of a quarter of a century!

“Here are the fries,” explains the teacher in pictures. You would think they just fell under your car seat a month ago, there is no rotting or decomposition. ” “The burger bread is not moldy and the meat is not rotten. It didn’t even decompose. It is completely intact. I have no idea what would happen if you ate it … ”, continues the teacher.

The astonishing ability of fast food type meals has already been the subject of several experiments. As a reminder, a year ago, we were telling you about the Icelandic Hjörter Smárason who bought a hamburger in 2009, just before the last McDonald’s establishment in the country closed. His burger was also practically intact. Except that unlike our American teacher, the latter had been partially kept in a bell, in conditions more conducive to conservation (less humidity) than the banal shoebox which was the home of the McDonald’s menu filmed by @ aly.sherb, 24 years after the order …

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