TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A report just revealed that Xiaomi become the world’s number 1 smartphone brand for the first time in June 2021. The company beats Samsung and Apple in terms of handset sales volume.
Menurut laporan Counterpoint Research, raksasa teknologi Cina itu memimpin pasar smartphone global pada bulan Juni. Laporan tersebut menambahkan bahwa penjualan perusahaan tumbuh sebesar 26 persen dari bulan ke bulan, yang juga menjadikannya merek dengan pertumbuhan tercepat untuk bulan tersebut.
Sementara itu, perusahaan berada di urutan kedua di pasar smartphone untuk kuartal kedua tahun ini secara keseluruhan, dengan raksasa teknologi Korea Selatan Samsung memimpin.
Direktur Riset Counterpoint Research Tarun Pathak menambahkan bahwa sejak penurunan Huawei dimulai, Xiaomi telah melakukan upaya yang konsisten dan agresif untuk mengisi celah yang diciptakan oleh penurunan itu.
“The OEM has thrived in Huawei and HONOR legacy markets such as China, Europe, Middle East and Africa. In June, Xiaomi was helped more by the recovery of China, Europe and India and the decline of Samsung due to supply constraints,” he said as quoted by Gizmochina, Friday, August 6, 2021.
Similarly, another senior analyst also added that the Chinese market also grew by 16 percent month-on-month in June 2021. This growth was mainly driven by the 618 festival, with Xiaomi being the fastest growing brand in this period. In addition, Samsung’s production was disrupted in June, which also caused the company’s devices to face shortages across multiple channels.
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