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Surinamese journalists receive tips for providing information about Coronavirus disease 2019

The National Democratic Party (NDP) supports the efforts of the World Political Parties to combat the common threats and challenges under COVID-19 and supports the statement issued.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for the entire world, and therefore cooperation among countries is more essential than ever in the exchange of medical and other logistics resources to ensure a global victory in the fight against the coronavirus, reports the NDP in a statement.

The party further reports that this pandemic needs a holistic approach to avoid harming human life, safety and health, putting even more pressure on the economic and social development of most countries. Globalization has turned the world into a village through which setbacks affecting one nation have consequences for others.

Furthermore, the NDP is aware that this virus knows no boundaries and that it requires us to work together to respond to this unprecedented challenge. Following the World Political Parties, the NDP calls on countries to share their experience and collaboration in the medical field, including joint research and development of specific drugs and vaccines.

Countries are also encouraged to commit more than ever to; combating epidemics, adopting an integrated approach to safeguard economic and social development and to safeguard the standard of living and social progress of society.

The NDP commends the People’s Republic of China for its commitment, the assistance it has provided to Suriname and other countries, including the provision of epidemic-related information, the sharing of experience in the treatment of patients, as well as the provision of medical and other supplies to affected countries.


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