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Surgical intervention of ovaries to a high mountain tumor patient – Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán

The gynecology and surgery services of the effector worked in coordination to extract a 6-kg abdominal tumor from a 38-year-old patient.

The director of the institution, doctor Alba Pieroni, commented that it was a work carried out in cooperation between the effector he represents, together with the Operational Area from which the patient comes to be transferred, since Avellaneda is a reference hospital in Alta Montaña.

The doctor Fabiana Reina, from the Gynecology Service, reported that the situation began when Dr. Víctor Orellana received the patient at her place of origin, performing a first check-up and detecting a prominent abdominal mass. Later, an ultrasound was performed -without being able to define to which part that tumor mass belonged-, so he decided to refer it to Avellaneda.

Reina explained that once the woman arrives in the city she is admitted to the clinic room, where they detect a significant anemia, a product of gynecological hemorrhages, and together with other complementary studies carried out in the hospital, they determine that it could come from the uterus. Given the situation, the doctor commented that they had to coordinate the intervention with the surgery service.

Regarding the preparation of the patient before the operation, the specialist explained that prior to entering the operating room, the woman was stabilized with 7 blood transfusions so that she is in optimal condition to operate after having suffered large blood losses.

For his part, the chief of residents of General Surgery of the effector, doctor Victor Diaz Singh, explained that Dr. Reina “asked us to collaborate in the intervention since gynecological tumors often adhere to gastrointestinal structures, be it the colon or the small intestine and require the intervention of general surgery so that the patient does not suffer complications. Thanks to this, the vital structures could be recognized and, pleasantly we could see that the intestine did not have great adhesions ”.

Díaz Singh added that it was a complex operation due to the size of the tumor, its weight and the compression it carried out on neighboring structures, but which was entirely successful.

Finally, the doctor referred to the biosafety measures that are taken into account in these cases in the pandemic situation and mentioned that previously the patients carried out a questionnaire: they were asked if they were in contact with any suspected patient with any pathology. respiratory and chest plaque performed to rule out pathologies prior to surgery.

Currently the patient is in good health and for reasons of remoteness from her home, she is under ambulatory control, so that when she is discharged, she can return home and continue to carry out the pertinent controls in the High Mountains.

Gynecological care

The Avellaneda Hospital Gynecology Service continues to attend every day with scheduled shifts respecting the corresponding distances to avoid crowding of patients. Shifts can be requested by phone from the effector or through the window.

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