Home » Health » Surabaya City Government Moves Cadres and Health Centers to Prevent Dengue Fever

Surabaya City Government Moves Cadres and Health Centers to Prevent Dengue Fever

JawaPos.com – Threats in the rainy season are not only infrastructure problems, but also health. Dengue fever (DB) is one that still haunts Surabaya. Anticipating this, cadres were mobilized to prevent the emergence of DB cases.

During the period from January to September 2021, there were 102 cases of DB in Surabaya. Prevention efforts were also made. Moreover, Surabaya has entered the rainy season.

One of them is by moving the mosquito nest eradication program (PSN). Each village or RT has a cadre of larva monitoring interpreters (jumantik). Such activities are evenly carried out in Surabaya.

Like in Sawahan District. The head of the Banyu Urip Health Center, Dr. Era Kartikawati, said that dengue fever had started in his area. In this regard, several actions and anticipatory steps have been taken. A joint call has also been held. Jumantik cadres have been prepared since last month. They have a special mission. Namely, conducting larval checks in every resident’s house.

They not only monitor the larvae in every resident’s house. They also have to understand about the condition of the residents in the house. That way, this jumantik cadre also monitors the condition of the surrounding community. ”We have mapped the number of cadres and how many houses are in each RW,” he explained.

The Tenggilis Mejoyo and Rangkah Health Centers did the same thing. Both have alerted jumantik in anticipation of a spike in dengue fever through PSN.

The head of the Tenggilis Mejoyo Health Center, Dr. Dessy J. Setia, said that the larvae examination was carried out with the concept of 1 house 1 jumantik. ”Cadres increase socialization about the importance of implementing PHBS by puskesmas officers,’ he said.

Meanwhile, the public is advised to remain vigilant about diseases that are transmitted through the bites of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Doctor Irwin Priyatna Kusumah SpPD FINASIM said the most effective prevention formula was still around 3M+. First, draining and brushing the water reservoir regularly will eliminate mosquito larvae. “Because they live in clean water, which is stagnant for a long time. So it has to be cleaned regularly,” said the Ciputra University Medical Faculty lecturer.

Editor: Dhimas Ginanjar

Reporter: gal / omy / jar / dya / c17 / ady

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