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sur-Saône | Let me tell you a Christmas story! Info Chalon news from Info Chalon

Since October 2020, in the health context we are experiencing, I have had the impression of having been “invaded” by a phenomenon strongly resembling what some poultry farmers call “force-feeding”. All you had to do was open your television set, maybe also your radio I don’t know, to walk the aisles of hyper temples of large-scale consumerism, to read, to hear, to see that everything is done to be ” force-feed ”, that it is important to spend your energy, your health, your will to live and too bad for your finances: it is necessary to celebrate“ Christmas ”

Let’s go! Let’s not hesitate! And what the hell if this damn coronavirus, feminized “the Covid” can be a serious embarrassment. Let’s go spend, buy, drink, eat, feast…. a maximum of six at the table (excluding children) and, above all, don’t forget: the grandparents in the kitchen to eat the log!

Elisons Miss France, swallow programs or shows built to entertain only those who create them, take the naked Girls out of the backstage of cabarets and all that far from the spirit of this exceptional circumstance, whose moral value has spanned more than 2000 years, casually, although many today do not pay relatively little attention to it, if not at all.

Perhaps for lack of having received this secular education which has made the strength of our Judeo-Christian country in the notion of respect for Man and the Universe in which he evolves and for which this transmitted tradition made sense, at least for those who live this Advent season off a chocolate calendar.

My story is simple.

It’s a true story, written by a man named Mathieu. He was Jewish and worked in the Galilee as a tax collector. It is said today that he would be honored by tax collectors, accountants, customs officers and…. bankers, as their Patron Saint! It is up to everyone to understand….

He made himself known thanks to a “best seller” having crossed the history of mankind, bearing the title of “Bible”, in which everything is well explained and particularly in a chapter called “the Gospels” “. Three other of his fellow evangelists, Mark, Luke and John also participated in the writing of what is the New Testament.

Regarding Mathieu is the only one to have written this real story about which I told you above, this story that the homo-sapiens race that we are one day called “Christmas” and which is no other, for Christian churches , celebrated as the Nativity of Jesus, you know this man who was crucified at his 33 years old for having wanted to say to men “Love one another as I have loved you”. A message of Fraternity far from reflecting violence, terror, incomprehension, hatred, intolerance or even the lack of freedom. A Man whose birth described by Mathieu as having taken place in a stable, in the midst of cattle, first honored by simple and humble shepherds and subsequently receiving the homage of Kings.

We are far from the overloaded hood of Santa Claus come from I do not know or, sponsored by a soft drink, with gifts galore that will no doubt end their days on EBay and other Bon Coin. We are far from pantagruelic watered-down meals, ephemeral multicolored decorations, “have you seen me” making forget those who suffer or who are satisfied with an orange, see a papillote or simply nothing!

Obviously celebrating can be good, especially now, but it is still a shame to put the material before this deep spiritual meaning of this feast of the Christian Churches, at a time when the solar star has just passed through the door of the winter solstice to seek greater Light. What a beautiful Christmas present this Nativity is!

JC Reynaud

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