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Supreme Court Urged to Implement Ruling on Speedy Asset Sale Procedures for Japanese War Criminal Companies

Photo: Korea-Japan Historical Justice and Peace Action
A civic group urged the Supreme Court to implement a ruling on speedy asset sale procedures for Japanese war criminal companies.

The Korea-Japan Historical Justice and Peace Action held a rally in front of the Supreme Court on the 30th and said, “The Supreme Court ruling has not been implemented for five years,” and “We stand in front of the Supreme Court again with the desperate feelings of the victims who cannot wait any longer.”

On October 30, 2018, victims of Japanese forced conscription finally won a lawsuit seeking compensation for damages filed against a Japanese war criminal company.

Five years have passed since the Supreme Court ruling, but no compensation has been paid to the victims by war criminal companies.

Accordingly, legal procedures have begun to force the sale of the assets of war criminal companies, but Japanese companies have protested and the Supreme Court’s ruling is being delayed.

Instead, the government is announcing a ‘third party reimbursement plan’ and is pursuing a plan where domestic companies will pay compensation instead of Japanese companies.

However, four of the victims refused third-party compensation offers.

The government attempted to deposit the compensation, but the court ruled that it would not accept any money, saying, “We cannot accept money that the parties refuse.”

The civic group asked, “Why are you not issuing the order to cash out the forced mobilization victims who have been waiting so long?” and criticized, “Are they just waiting for the two surviving victims, Lee Chun-sik and Yang Geum-deok, to pass away?”

#Forced mobilization under Japanese colonial rule #War crime company #Supreme Court #Conscription

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2023-10-30 07:30:18
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