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Supreme Court upholds conviction for murdering student (24) | Inland

M. murdered his 24-year-old ex-girlfriend on 11 July 2018 in her home on Bosboomstraat in Utrecht. This was preceded by a period of stalking. On the day in question, M. entered Korsman’s home through a balcony. An argument broke out inside, after which he stabbed the victim to death.

In July 2020, the man from Nieuwegein was sentenced on appeal for murder to a prison term of fifteen years and TBS with compulsory treatment, similar to the verdict that the court in Utrecht passed in 2019. M.’s lawyer lodged an appeal in cassation with the Supreme Court against the decision of the Court of Appeal, among other things to raise the issue of the conviction of the premeditated counsel. The suspect alleged that he acted in self-defence.

The Supreme Court rejected M.’s cassation complaints. The Supreme Court does agree with the defense that the procedure took too long. Therefore, the imposed prison sentence has been reduced by four months to fourteen years and eight months.

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