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Supreme Council of the Judiciary: details from the Minister of Justice – AGP

Libreville, August 19, 2024 (AGP) – We offer you the entire press release from the Minister of Justice, the Keeper of the Seals, at the end of the work of the High Council of the Judiciary, meeting in ordinary session on Wednesday 14 August.


At the end of the work of the meeting of the High Council of the Judiciary in a normal session, Wednesday August 14, 2024, under the leadership of His Excellency, Mr. President of Transition, President of the Republic, Head of State, President of Republic the Director General of the Council, four hundred and eighteen magistrates (418) in office have benefited from assignment, appointment, transfer, promotion or tenure.

These decisions come at the end of an evaluation process where magistrates in training after an average of fifteen out of twenty (15/20) were included and magistrates after sixteen out of twenty (16/20) benefit from progress.

This innovation, in terms of evaluation, corresponds perfectly to the will of the Committee for Transition and Renewal of Institutions (CTRI) which advocates for excellence and merit.

Therefore, one hundred (101) trainee schoolmasters were established. As a reminder, a trainee lawyer is subject to a probationary period of 12 months, renewable in writing, once, in case of indefinite training (Art: 92).

At the end of the probationary period, the trainee magistrate is either hired, dismissed, or asked to complete a new probationary period and ultimately taken over or dismissed (Art: 93).

One hundred and eighty-eight (188) magistrates benefited from the measures of appointment, assignment and transfer, another fifty-two (52) were promoted to the rank of magistrates outside the hierarchy and received seventy-seven (77) masters benefit from advancements and promotions. .

The magistrates whose names do not appear in the press release authorizing the work of the ordinary session of the High Council of the Judiciary on August 14, 2024, will remain in office.

Magistrates are ranked by Heads of Courts and Heads of Courts of Orders for those working in jurisdictions, by the Minister of Justice, for those working in central administration and by their superiors for those which is in a state of isolation.

All the annual notes are centralized at the same time at the Ministry of Justice, at the Permanent Secretariat and communicated to the High Council of the Judiciary.

Regarding the inclusion of magistrates who are active in the Courts in the promotion table, the Heads of the Courts send proposals for their inclusion in the promotion table to the Minister of Justice not later than April 30 each year (Art: 112).

The few or very few remaining prints seen in the last press release are due to the abundance of files that were managed during the arrangements. They do not in any way affect the quality of the work provided by the Superior Council of the Magistracy, contrary to the accusations made on social networks.

The Minister of Justice, the Keeper of the Seals, would like to reassure the group’s stakeholders about the steps taken at central administrative level to better take their concerns into account. The Ministry of Justice also remembers that the measures and decisions taken at the end of the High Council of the Judiciary strictly adhere to the texts that exist in the Gabonese Republic.

Done at Libreville, August 19, 2024

Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals


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