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Supporting the Peace Process in Colombia: Donate Books at Filbo 2024 for Social Change and Peace

The Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP / OAS) and the Colombian Book Room come to Filbo for the fifth year in a row to support the donation of books under the initiative ” Giving a book is a fact of peace”, which will take place until May 2 within the framework of the international book fair in Bogotá.

This campaign, which started in 2019, has delivered 17,500 books in the areas most affected by armed conflict, crime and inequality. The main prison centers are added to these regions of Colombia to promote reading as a way to change social reality to build peace.

“We have 20 years of uninterrupted work in Colombia, where we accompany the communities and institutions in the areas. We are currently in 100 municipalities in 18 regions with 14 permanent regional offices that have used reading as a way of peace,” said Roberto Menéndez, head of the MAPP/OAS.

What places in Colombia can donated books arrive?

Photo: MAPP/OEA.

In the last edition of “Giving a book and truth of peace” 2,800 books were collected with the help of Servientrega, which allowed 58 points throughout the national country, and they could take it directly to rural areas and urban La Guajira. , Antioquia, Arauca, Norte de Santander, Valle del Cauca, Caquetá, Cauca, Córdoba, Guaviare, Meta, Cesar, Putumayo and Nariño, among others.

These books also reached prisons in Jamundí, Valle del Cauca; La Dorada, Caldas; Apartadó, Antioquia and Buen Pastor de Bogotá, as part of the “Culture for Freedom” program of the Ministry of Justice and Culture, which, with the support of INPEC and the MAPP/OAS, promotes the resocialization and integration of people who lose their freedom. , through promoting reading, writing and education.

How to give books within the framework of Filbo 2024?

The books you can donate to the campaign must be related to children’s and universal literature; human rights; childhood, harmony and communication; peace, equity, reconciliation and environment.

You can donate these books through the following possible channels: to stand from Servientrega located in Corferias until the end of Filbo 2024; office of the Colombian Book Room on the second floor of pavilion 23 de Corferias.

You can also make your donations from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm at the Fundadores library of the Colegio Gimnasio Moderno de Bogotá, located on Carrera 9 #74-99.

Servientrega also allows you 65 points throughout Colombia to hand over your books from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon. carry out click here consult these donation points.

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2024-04-23 22:45:23
#donate #books #Fibo

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