Home » today » Sport » Supporters in shock, Lotito infuriated: the last Biancoceleste evening by Simone Inzaghi

Supporters in shock, Lotito infuriated: the last Biancoceleste evening by Simone Inzaghi

For many fans the farewell of Inzaghi, in this way, “is worse than the case Bielsa“. If only because there was an almost visceral bond between the new Inter coach and Lazio. A relationship that lasted since 1999 and ended at lunchtime yesterday, when Inzaghi – who was at the Futbolclub , a sports club in the Olympic area – received another call from Inter. The Nerazzurri insisted, courted him and raised the offer, doubling that of Lotito (2.2 million plus bonus against the 4 + 1 of Zhang). The rest of the afternoon ran off with the interview with Lotito (infuriated to say a euphemism), to whom he communicated the decision around 16, and with the definitive yes to Inter. In the evening the cold press release from Lazio, surprised by what happened, e Inzaghi’s announcement, who spent his last night as a biancoceleste on the balcony of his house. With the phone boiling, his wife Gaia beside him and the rider who delivered three pizzas at 20.20. An impromptu dinner, after all no one expected there to be such an epilogue. Not even the staff, sure to stay in Formello, and the players, who yesterday morning had been informed about the technician’s stay.

Needless to say, how the square reacted. Shocked, incredulous and under shock for having lost the most present coach of all time, the center forward of the first championship and a symbol of the club. “I’m done with football”. “I just get a stomach ache.” “You betrayed us“. The cycle is over for me too, that’s enough.” These are some of the many social comments of the Biancocelesti fans, who went to sleep on Wednesday posting all the photos of Inzaghi on their profiles. While yesterday they closed their eyes knowing that they will no longer see ‘Simoncino’ screaming on the bench at the Olimpico. A hard blow, after so many years. “My father loves Lazio and will love them forever. (I write this for the people who are writing to me who allow themselves to say certain things, usually I fly over). He was with you even when no one would have stayed. He won for you – wrote Inzaghi’s son, Tommaso – when no one could have won. Many love stories don’t end as they should but the feeling that has been there for 20 years remains and will remain forever “. And if we consider the emotional and sentimental aspect, then yes that the epilogue of the story between Inzaghi and Lazio can be worse than the Bielsa case.

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