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Support the fight against the most debilitating disease among young people

Photo: National MS Fund

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease of the nervous system and the most debilitating disease among young people. The cause is still unknown and there is no cure yet.

The dream of the National MS Fund is a future without MS. That is why we are looking for collectors who want to go door-to-door in the week from June 27 to July 2 to collect money. But there are more ways to raise money: collecting with your mobile phone by sharing a payment request with friends and family, for example. Will you help us?

Wanted: collectors in the week from June 27 to July 2!

There are more than 25,000 people with MS in the Netherlands. Young people between the ages of 20 and 40 are particularly affected by this disease. They are in the prime of their lives and face an uncertain future.


MS is a disease of the central nervous system. The layer around the nerves (myelin) is attacked and damaged by the body’s own immune system. The nerves become exposed, so that they transmit signals to and from the brain less well or even not at all. People with MS can suddenly experience paralysis or loss of body functions. All kinds of complaints arise, for example when seeing, walking or talking.

Word collectant

With the proceeds of the collection, the National MS Fund makes scientific research possible into the cause of and the solution for MS. We are also committed to continuously improving the quality of life of people with MS and their care. For more information about this, please visit our website: www.nationaalmsfonds.nl.

By collecting for us, you can contribute to this. You decide how and for how long you collect. There is a suitable way of collecting for everyone. This is possible with a collection box at the doors in your area. But you can also collect money from friends and family via a payment request at home on the couch with your mobile phone.

How does it work?

Would you like to register as a collector in the MS Collecteweek or would you like more information? Then look at www.nationaalmsfonds.nl/collecteren† Of course you can also take action now. Then create a digital collection box on www.digicollect.nationaalmsfonds.nl. This way you can collect all year round!

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