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Support from Evangelists and Women: A Surprising Look at Voting Statistics in 2020 Elections

The support of the evangelists is firmly won for him. 84% of them voted for him in 2020. On the other hand, that of women seems more surprising given his attitude and his remarks towards the fairer sex. However, 44% of women voted for him in the last elections.

And despite the legal problems and scandals that dog him, he is currently, according to polls, best placed to be the Republican candidate for next year’s presidential election.

“All sinners”

“This election will decide whether America should be ruled by Marxist, fascist, communist tyrants who want to destroy the Judeo-Christian heritage or whether it will be saved by patriots who fear God and cherish freedom like all the people who are in this piece,” he said in front of an audience of evangelists.

“As a woman, I understand that we might be offended” by some of his words or actions, but “personally, I like him,” said Joan Horswell, a 76-year-old retired nurse from of Texas and present at this meeting organized by the conservative Christian group Family Research Council.

“Does he have any faults? Of course. But most Christians will say, anyway, that we are all sinners,” added William Wan, a 60-year-old Catholic engineer who came from Florida to attend the meeting.

Popular with conservative women

However, Donald Trump often seems far from Christian behavior. In May, he was civilly convicted of sexually assaulting writer E. Jean Carroll in 1996. And he is currently on trial, accused of paying a porn star to silence her before the election . He also admits in a video made public that he does not hesitate to grope women whenever he can.

Penny Nance, president of the conservative Christian women’s group Concerned Women for America, echoed this approach by introducing the ex-president before his speech to her group. “Conservative women don’t want a pastor or a husband for president, they want someone who will protect them. Someone who is ready to put a knife between their teeth and swim across the moat to save us from those who threaten our security and our freedom,” she said to the cheers of the women present in the room.

Melissa Deckman, president of the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, points out that while political observers were surprised by the number of women who voted for Trump, women are far from all having the same opinion on matters of sex and sexism.

“A strong man”

Donald Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, who is also running for the 2024 nomination, prides himself on his evangelical beliefs and describes himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican – in that order.” But only 5% of white evangelicals likely to vote in the primary said they were ready to vote for him, compared to 56% for Donald Trump.

For Ms. Horswell, the retired nurse, “Mike Pence is a good guy, but at this point in government we need a much stronger man.”

And for conservative Christians, Donald Trump has shown on numerous occasions that he is “a strong man”.

2023-09-16 10:33:11

#United #States #Trumps #sights #evangelists #women

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