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“Support for the government if it cuts taxes but parliament cancels the land registry reform”

Draghi: “This government does not touch the houses” – “This government does not tax, it does not touch Italian homes. I said it from the beginning: this government does not increase taxes”, added the prime minister.

Salvini: “I’m in the government to reduce taxes” – “The passage that leads to the emergence of the black and the illegal is fine, but any current or future possibility of an increase in the housing tax will never have the support of the League”, said the secretary of the Northern League. “I am in this government to reduce taxes, not to increase them, especially on a primary asset like the house, of which 8 out of 10 Italians own the one they live in”.

Lega did not vote for proxy because there is a possible increase in taxes – “The League will never give its ok to a tax increase. Starting from what is written, because verba volant scripta manent, in the tax delegation approved yesterday in the CDM, in paragraph 2 of article 7, letters A and B , a possible increase in house taxes. This is why the League did not vote, “Salvini said, showing reporters the documents of the fiscal delegation passed by the government with the absence of the Lega Nord ministers.

“Lega remains in the government, Letta-Conte leave if they want” – “No, no, the League is inside (the majority, ed). If they want, Letta and Conte leave because the Parliament has trusted Draghi to lower taxes not to increase them”, Salvini reassured those who asked him if the League it will leave the government majority after the failure to vote on the fiscal proxy.

“I don’t sign a blank check, reassurances are not enough” – “I do not sign a blank check and it is not enough for the Minister of Economy to say that there could be increases from 2026”, Salvini continued, explaining the reasons for his party’s absence from the CDM. “This is one
assets on an asset already taxed “, he added.

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